Writers crewed up with ''Rue's'' birth date
She was born on 9/11? that is 20 years old. Why is she in High school?
shareShe was born on 9/11? that is 20 years old. Why is she in High school?
sharePerhaps she’s failed grades a few times. Perhaps you meant “screwed up” in your topic headline and could not be bothered to proof and, y’know, FIX it. Perhaps both.
shareMaybe the show is set in 2017. I don‘t see any pandemic-y things going on.
shareThe whole timeline is whack. When we saw Cal in high school it was pretty clearly the early 90s. When we saw Fezco as a kid it looked like the 70s. The birth date is one date you could take literally though, I'm guessing the mishmash of other eras is down to "unreliable storytelling".