Ya'll MFers really gonna make me say it? You're really gonna turn me into THAT guy?...
The Rotten Tomatoes score is so high because all the leads are women, and the males in the film are bumbling fools! Wow. I can't believe this is what film critics care about. You can't even trust them anymore, at all.
What a bland film! It deserved maybe a 55%, tops. Felt like a straight-to-video film. Only 90 minutes long but a chore! Ugh
Chip Douglas, Chip Doug-lasss… why does that sound so familiar?
In all seriousness, it’s a Hollywood feminist politics thing. The film has mostly women in the lead roles and no one wants to bash it, out of fear of being ostracized and/or because they want to push the agenda. It’s their way of fighting the patriarchy.
It’s weird, but I really believe it’s true. It just kind of sucks because the filmmaking world as a whole is suffering collateral damage.
Just playing devil's advocate to your thought. The villain was a girl. I suppose you could say that because it was an AI it had no gender, but idk. If they made the villain a boy I'm sure the moviechat boards would be lighting up with all kinds of these posts.
I'm not super quick to jump on the it's a feminist politics thing because gender didn't really serve any primary role in the movie despite what you mentioned about the men being idiotic. The CEO was written terribly. His "jokes" never landed for me.
I do agree though. Hollywood has its agendas and critics are probably afraid as you stated. They're also probably not as critical of thinkers as they used to be. This movie really had NOTHING going for it for them to even think of leaving a positive review. As we know, controversial topics like feminism drive clicks and that is reason enough for critics to pander to those audiences to gain attention.
I think the best thing might've been the power washer kill or the Toy Soldiers piano solo and they would've traditionally never been enough for a horror movie to receive a good review.
Yeah M3gan was the villain, and female, but she was ‘badass’—she was dressed to kill, she wore eyeliner, she drove a sports car at one point—and she punished a bunch of men.
She was a sympathetic villain in a way. She was just protecting the girl.
Yeah, precisely, horror in particular has always been like that, women are the strong characters who outsmart killers while men are stupid, drunk, sex-obsessed buffoons who are easily killed off. (Tons of exceptions of course, before anyone feels like putting a list together haha.)
I agree with some of that, but I still think there are modern, feminist Hollywood politics at play here. It’s all so transparent, in every genre, not just horror.
You haven’t noticed a bias with regards to film critics, award shows, etc?
I know what you mean, but I genuinely don’t think it’s at play here—if that were the case, why this movie and not dozens of other horror movies that have come out recently? I didn’t see any critics praising the new Texas Chainsaw movie for instance, and that was what you’re describing to a T.
I couldn’t disagree more. And honestly I think what you’ve said here is right out of the playbook, kind of a “Naa na na naa na” type of thing. Lol, it’s not hard to spot
The film was also directed by a man, fyi. Men in Hollywood are caught up in Hollywood identity politics as well, don’t know why you would think otherwise
Men...coward co-inventor, erratic Asian CEO, pussy assistant who steals co-operate I.P., police officer who barely investigates, teenage boy who is abusive to girls.
You are right, they made a point to make men look bad.
The score does seem weirdly high, but I haven't seen the movie. The trailers do not look very good, though.
We have to remember how RT works, however. It only denotes reviews as "positive" or "negative," so if every critic gave the film a 6 across the board the score would be 100%.
No one at RT decides what the score is. They just look at the critic reviews and determine for each review if it is overall positive or negative. The score is the percentage of positive reviews.
If 10 critics reviewed Megan, and six gave it a positive review, then the score is 60%.
One flaw in the system is that a 6/10 and a 10/10 both get marked as "positive" with no distinction. They count the same under RT's very basic criteria.