Scrumptious Fantasy

I had a great time indulging in it. The colorblind casting didn’t bother me because it’s not a historical fiction, it’s just a fiction, and they give an in-universe reason for it. That and the man who plays Simon is so sexy I’ll be dreaming about him for the next week. Bridgerton is fluffy and romantic and the people and costumes are pretty and I loved it.


It's fiction set in a time and place in which everyone would've been white


And Wonder Woman is set during World War I which, though a real event, was not ended by a sexy superhero as the film presents.


Not really comparable. WW wasn't used to push the agenda of being a superhero on people. The race-swapping casting in Bridgerton is deliberate and goal-oriented.


I beg to differ. I think fiction writes its own rules, and if you disagree with how the fictional universe is set up, then don’t watch it. Bridgerton never claims to be historically accurate. The costumes, the music—everything is total fantasy!


Furthermore, the producers have stated that this is not meant to be colorblind casting, because the characters actually refer to race in their dialogues.

The director or producer used words like alternate reality and heightened reality.


Fiction writing its own rules is perfectly compatible with that same fiction having a political/religious agenda.

Nazi movies were fiction that wrote their own rules. Under those rules, Jews were evil. From a narrative point of view, that was perfectly OK. But it's equally OK to say that there was an antisemitic agenda.

There same happens here. From a narrative point of view, it's perfectly OK. And it's equally OK to say that there's a white-guilt agenda.


Totally agree. I'll add plenty of eye candy re: the beautiful homes, landscapes and costumes.

It's nice to see a glimpse of a world in which race is irrelevant. Very refreshing!

Stories and characters were interesting and entertaining. Showcasing courting season among the rich was unique and fun. Wonderful historical romance story.

I'm going to miss the focus not being on Simon and Daphne next season.


Yes it's made to appeal to white women who fantasize about getting a good seeing to from a BBC.
