MovieChat Forums > Batwoman (2019) Discussion > Report: Batwoman is being "review-bombed...

Report: Batwoman is being "review-bombed" on Rotten Tomatoes

Comic Book Resources reports that three days after its premiere, The CW superhero series "has an Audience Score of just 8% thanks to a plethora of one-star (or lower) reviews. However, while some of those 2,250+ reviewers have expressed constructive critiques about the writing and acting, others appear less concerned with offering valid criticism and more concerned with simply seeing the series fail."


I predict the losers running Rotten Tomatoes will pull the same stunt they did with "Captain Marvel;" where they sneak around, erasing bad reviews to make it look better.


I hope they do the same with the Asylum movies. It's outrageous how they're constantly review-bombed by haters. They all have such low scores, with is a clear symptom of a culture of hate. RT should ban those users that gave low scores to Asylum movies without expressing constructive critiques about the writing and acting. >:(


While review bombing may seem wrong, is it any worse than the networks that flat out lie each season when they tout some show as the season's biggest hit before it has even been broadcast... then to make it even more ridiculous after 2 or 3 episodes the series gets cancelled.

Networks have pretty much brought this on themselves with the overwhelming BS they use to pump up shows.


Have you watched it? The show is truly god awful. Horrible acting, I would say watching an old episode of Super Friends is probably a step up from the show. I wouldn't have even given it one star... Then of course you read the reviews from paid schills like Variety and they paint it as being good. If they weren't bombed they should have been just to balance the scales of justice to balance out the professional critics that CW has bought and paid for.


must be the incels


I check Imdb to see if there are real reviews. Normally 1 & 10* reviews are both fake, but this time most of the 1/2* reviews are by established reviewers! These are DC fans who like the Batman franchise, but hated Batwoman. CW produces lots of crap just for teens.


Yeah, I'm gonna blame the quality of the product over the "haters" or "incels" etc for this one.


Good thing you've never seen how games get review-bombed. I would think that if there were no review bombs it would be 40% tops.


Amazing how an audience score is low it is blamed on trolls, incels, review bombing but when the same happens to a low critic score that is fine and just excepted. Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind.

Here is a radical thought, maybe, just maybe, Batwoman is pure crap.

I watched the premiere it is god awful but of course the media and shilll websites can't let that be seen and so will be blamed as said above on those roving bands of misogynistic white dudes
