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'CancelHamilton' puts hit musical under fire

Musical has come under renewed scrutiny with the show's debut on Disney+

The hashtag 'cancelHamilton' emerged on Twitter, with some uncomfortable at celebrating the life of Hamilton - who traded slaves but did not own any himself

Hamilton managed slave sales for his wife's family and also did accounting for a Caribbean trading company that engaged in the slave trade

Lin-Manuel Miranda last month issued an apology to fans of Hamilton for the Broadway show's failure to publicly denounce systemic racism sooner

The 40-year-old playwright and actor also affirmed the show's support for the Black Lives Matter movement


The left is absurd




Conflicted eh?


Came to say the same thing. I am sick of hearing about Hamilton (I work in Community Theater with a LOT of fans). I don't care for the 'color-blind' idea of changing the race of historical figures and just find the show over hyped. Not to forget the way they treated Vice President Pence when he went to see the show. I don't condone that for ANY patron. It was wrong. That being said, I am very surprised that they are getting flack BECAUSE they are so diverse and offered a show on Broadway with such an opportunity for minority actors. The show in itself is an achievement for diversity. But because they aren't saying 'black lives matter' 24/7 they deserve to be cancelled? That's just dumb and now I feel like these particular protestors are ruining all the progress they had made; just like most causes; they never know when to stop.


That sounds about whyte. But also, holy ALl LiVeS MaTteR reactionary, Batman! Speaking for all the reich wingers that OF COURSE hate this brilliant play.... wow, congrats! Dat Karen bravery is really appreciated, especially in this era where the anti-inclusion and pro-social injustice reich wing is in power and is desperately trying to maintain the POLITICALLY CORRECT status quo of yesterday. “Know your place!!!”

And aww.... the very non-regressive cast of Hamilton “disrespected” the anti-equal rights bigot that is Pence? Well, to HELL with him and his fascist bunker boy. As for this play, it and its incredibly talented creator will continue to ride high while the chuds who LOVE to paint themselves as victims (despite dedicating their lives fear mongering and putting actual disenfranchised people down) will keep projecting with their nonstop whining.


"That sounds about whyte..."

And the semi-literate rant takes off from there. Yep, sometimes you go so far left you end up with your head up your own ass.


Thanks, someone needed to say that.



Easy solution: if someone doesn't like the show, then they can choose not to watch it. Demanding that things be cancelled because some people are offended or don't like it, is ridiculous.


Agreed. I actually really enjoyed Hamilton, but I wouldn't list it as one of my favourites. I never took it to be an exact recreation of history. Of course they left things out. I hate this cancel culture. What happened to debate and discussion? Why is it just #cancel??? Ugh



Stop this cancel culture.
I thought we were living in a free world, why am I not allowed to watch South Park episodes I want to watch? Community episodes? Simpsons episodes? Fawlty Towers episodes?

If people are bothered by how Hamilton is presenting history, don't watch it. Let others watch it and enjoy their time.

The sad thing is that Hamilton will survive this protest because it is full of minority actors. If it just had white actors it would possibly actually be removed.


Well, he really raked in the cash on this, so what does he care? :-)


How funny... the liberals still haven't admitted to the elephant in the room... The Hamilton casting is cultural misappropriation the equivalent of blackface. Under the rules of the liberal left, the race, gender and even sexual preference of the actor MUST match that of the character they play. Even more true when the character is a REAL person.


"...How funny... the liberals still haven't admitted to the elephant in the room... The Hamilton casting is cultural misappropriation the equivalent of blackface. Under the rules of the liberal left, the race, gender and even sexual preference of the actor MUST match that of the character they play. Even more true when the character is a REAL person."

It's neither. All the actors in the original Broadway show are American-born so how's it cultural misappropriation? Unless one thinks nonwhite Americans are somehow cut off from the national culture and thus are unfit to reenact its history. It's not equal to blackface since it's not demeaning or belittling an entire racial group for comedic purposes. Unless one equates the Founding Fathers as a race or they consider the race-swap as a denigration of the historical figures in question.


Are you that fucking stupid? Hamilton wasn't Puerto Rican, and Aaron Burr was white not black. Cultural misappropriation gets yelped by liberals when someone that isn't black wears cornrows in their hair. It has nothing to do with what country you are from it is what race you are... Remember when Johnny Depp dared to dress in some Native American crap when he was in Dior ad campaign? The liberal were squawking cultural misappropriation like harpies in heat. Hamilton is filled with the cultural misappropriation and if a liberal doesn't want to be a flaming hypocrite then the liberal has to boycott the show and spew as much vitriol as possible at the show.


"...Hamilton wasn't Puerto Rican, and Aaron Burr was white not black." No kidding, huh?


When does this end? It's getting so absurd.
