shareThe musical is obviously a sensation and so this certainly has a ready-made audience. And seeing as it is simply a recording of the play the budget will be such that it really doesn’t have to do much to recoup its costs. I’m not sure this CAN flop.
There is not way in hell I'd pay for or steal it.
shareI have nothing against these performing artists; I hope they continue to have success and happiness. However, the concept of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. being represented by persons of color hip-hopping around is just too bizarre and ridiculous to appeal to me.
shareThis a comedy?
shareMy sentiments exactly.
shareNot a fan of hip-hopping either.
shareYou are cr-a-a-a-a-a-a-z-z-z-z-y!
shareYeah, sure, the most talked about streaming event of the year after Tiger King is a flop. Ok, boomer.