More diversity BS

So Negative Man is now gay? It is one thing to bring in a character that wasn't part of the original group like Cyborg which was clearly done for the diversity quota... but now they want to make straight characters gay? What next a revisioned Batman that's transgender?


I thought the same thing when they made one of the aliens on the Roswell reboot gay.It doesn't bother me here though because i don't know the source material.So this is my introduction to the character.


It just becomes so annoying when it is clearly done only for the sake of diversity. If you want to have a gay superhero then why not take the time to create one from scratch that is gay, why the continued push to remake existing characters gay that were originally straight... The irony is the gay community always wants to push the, "being gay isn't a choice" yet clearly when it comes to making movies and TV shows its is all about choice.


Why does it bother you so much?


I can't speak for Thomas, but for me it's changing a character to come off as diverse. If they remade Reservoir Dogs and put an Asian, a black dude, a Hispanic dude and a woman in there, I would like they're throwing it in there to make it look like they're open to being diverse. Why change the characters? If I want my character to be left handed, so be it.


So you wouldn't complain as much if they introduced a character who is gay in the comics? I find the "I like diversity as long as it's not forced" crowd don't need much to view it as forced. I remember watching Batman:Bad Blood and reading some troll complaining about forced homosexuality in Katherine Kane's story, even though she is lesbian in the comics too. Btw, the "forced" scene was a three minute scene of her flirting with another girl.


Let's put it this way, let's say there was a famous gay character but they turned them straight in the reboot, we wouldn't hear the end of it how we're trying to erase homosexuality from the character. But if homosexuality is added to the character and people complain, it's homophobic.


Funny you bring up a comparison like that. Let me give you another example. Do you get as worked up about "blackwashing" as you do about "whitewashing?"


It depends. In American cinema I get worked up with whitewashing previous adaptations. If I was watching something from an Asian country and they changed a white character into an Asian one, then yes, I get worked up on that too. The tough thing is, however, let's just say Japan remakes The Godfather, it will no longer take place in New York but in Japan which is changing the source material itself.


"The tough thing is, however, let's just say Japan remakes The Godfather, it will no longer take place in New York but in Japan which is changing the source material itself."

It's like The Departed being a remake of Asian Foreign Affairs, the cast is way different. I asked because I find some people who complain about one side, tend to out themselves as hypocrites e.g. triggered over blackwashing, and then defend whitewashing.


Personally, I just don't like people changing the characters. I've written a few screenplays myself, obviously nothing of significance, but if one of the screenplays that I wrote was made into a movie and the remake changed character traits, I would question why they did that. Did they not like something about the character?


What was the movie?


None of my screenplays have been made into a movie. But of it was I would be upset if the reboot changed my characters.


My bad, missed the "if" in your response.


I would totally watch a Japanese Yakuza Godfather remake.


Maybe if they take the same story and the don't call it The Godfather. And instead of Michael Corleone, Miko Korlazaki would have a nice ring to it.


Welcome to every single show Greg Burlanti is associated with.


And a Superman who is into she-males from the Philippines.


Negative Man was a hermaphrodite for a long period of the Doom Patrol comic, starting around the late 1980s. He had a man’s genitalia, a woman’s breasts, cross-dressed and was attracted to men.

I’m not sure why you’re crying on the internet like a dork over the character being presented as a butch gay man. The TV series is actually toning the character down.


And I'm sure you can find fan fiction where Batman was a black transvestite. Point is Negative man was not originally a gay or hermaphrodite, so showing a previous version of diversity manipulation doesn't excuse the current version.


Point is ... Grant Morrison had the most well-known and critically-acclaimed run of any writer on “Doom Patrol”, so it was hardly “fan fiction”. Morrison’s comic book run, starting in the late 1980s, is the main source for this series. It’s where Crazy Jane, Mr Negative, etc come from.

Are you really going to tell me you wanted see an adaptatio of the original 1962 run of the comic, you whiner?

You’re just afraid of seeing a gay man.



Yes the original 62 version would have been better... just like an original Batman would have been better than the PC crap you get now where Batman doesn't kill the bad guys, in the original he did.

I can only assume you just get off on seeing gay men, which is fine - if you're a gay man. But you are a small minority in the world most men don't get off on watching men swap spit.


Not only can you not stand one second of a gay kiss ... but you want a Batman who wears purple gloves and shoots people with a gun???


Bro, you live in 2019. If you want to see 1950s and 1960s values reflected on TV, go and watch some “I Love Lucy” or whatever. You’re in the minority.

Stop crying online like a nerd...


But if he stops, he'd have to think and maybe have a self-realization and then the closet would be all empty and lonely.


What makes more sense for a vigilante which is what Batman is, 1) killing the criminal so that the crime is eliminated, or 2) never killing the criminal and just dropping them off so the justice system can move then let them out on the streets again.

Sorry, but the whole premise of a vigilante is to eliminate the bad guy the liberal snowflake Batman that came about to avoid offending the senses of neutered she/boys like yourself simply makes no sense.


“Liberal snowflake Batman”?

You have worms in your brain, dude.

Stay away from comics and take some time off the internet.


to be fair i get pretty upset about all the heterosexuality being flaunted about, super gross


Actually Negative Man (Reebus) was two separate people fused into one body. One male and one female. So not technically a hermaphrodite but two identities simultaneously occupying the same space with the negative spirit controlling it. Reebus would make note of things his host identities thought about the situation at hand which indicated that they were aware of the life they inhabited and also aware of the near zero control they had. Spectators.

Making him gay was a cheap work-around the real character. Could have been an interesting perspective on gender issues so popular now-a-days. A not-gay man/woman/spirit entity is different and more complex than a simply gay character. Thanks Burlanti. He couldn't just be satisfied with Danny the Street being trans, lol.


So not technically a hermaphrodite but two identities simultaneously occupying the same space with the negative spirit controlling it.

Grant Morrison and DC editorial have referred to the character as being a hermaphrodite. You’re welcome to your opinion, though.

There was no way they were going to portray Negative Man as a fusion of a man and woman in the TV series. People can’t even handle the fact he’s a gay man...


I'm getting the same feeling I got when Ridley Scott finally took a definitive stance on Deckard's status.


The worst part about this transformation is the backdoor pilot in Teen Titans his personality was completely 180 from what we got here. He was very upbeat, happy, singing and cooking, etc. Now, in Doom Patrol he's all broody, depressed and sad. I know they recasted a different actor but did they really have to change his personality too? Nevermind the whole gay thing...


But but he had a wife and children and and... I hate people that get married or date for the sake of just making themselves happy until a new person comes along that they feel is the perfect/right one and ditch the other person aka using them as a stepping stone or side piece.


It's called "Tokenism" and is a form of disguised prejudice.

If they put a black, gay, etc character in a story and they don't expand on their blackness, gayness, etc they don't really care. It's a form of shallow virtue signaling. But, it's actually covert prejudice because the writer is using the minority as an object to enhance their own reputation.

Look up the term "magical negro" because it's an example.

I'm amazed how tokenism has become a huge thing. I guess it's due to lack of education for writers and so people who are just "writing stuff" but haven't been trained are repeating mistakes from the past.

Whatever the case, it's obnoxious.


Dude, from what I gather, they put gay peeps in every show these days. In new Star Trek shows, they put 2 gay dudes just to be more progressive. At some point, half the crew will be gay, because.... that's the ratio of gay vs. non gay in hollywood, and we totally need to reflect that reality and shit ;)

But yes, there are numerous examples where non-gay characters end up gay in the holywood adaptation for the reasons mentioned above.
