MovieChat Forums > Doom Patrol (2019) Discussion > Wow. They really did this right.

Wow. They really did this right.

Right from the credits. Nailed it.


Glad to hear. Makes me excited about Swamp Thing and Stargirl now.


Netflix ?


excellent stuff so far.


They really home run'd the shit out of Mr. Nobody. OMG. This show is so damn... what's the word? In sync with the source material. Different, but the same. It's incredible.


/In sync with the source material. /

So true.


I'm not much of a superhero comic stuff but this show is very good.


I am a big fan of the Grant Morrison run of Doom Patrol. I was worried that the show wouldn't capture the vibe. I got very scared when I saw Greg Burlanti's name in the opening credits but was pleasantly surprised. Other than what they did to Rebus's origin, I didn't see too much of the Burlanti effect in this. The pilot was good. I'll watch the rest.

I must complain a bit about Cliff's solution to Rita blob. That scene started great with her out of control and the chaos. But then when Cliff holds up some street to stop her, we find out that she isn't as "out-of-control" as she seemed. So not only was Cliff's solution kinda weak, it was also technically unnecessary. Could have had the same kind of scene but with just a tad bit more intelligence in the writing. Still, though, great episode.

I'm not familiar with Rita. My exposure to DP is, as I said, the Morrison era and a little of the Young Animal imprint. Is she golden era, new, or tv only?


Rita is from the original comic, technically silver age. Also known as Elasti-Girl. I have the omnibus but i've only flipped through it. The Morrison run is like my... third favorite comic run ever. I really dug the new Young Animal stuff but it seems to have been put on ice.


Thanks for the info!
The entire young Animal imprint is gone. I was surprised how good its DP was.
May I ask what your first two favorite runs in comics were? It is an interesting category of list. I'd have to think on it hard but my immediate thought is Simonson's Thor and maybe Wolfman's Titans. So many to consider.

I do wish the show would have stayed closer to Mr Nobody's origin scene. The complete perception white-out room with the black dot appearance was awesome and could have translated well to screen. However, the show has the right tone and the actors are good and well cast. Looking forward to more.


Madman and Transmetropolitan with Thor coming up a strong 4. I haven't read Teen Titans yet. It and Geoff John's Green Lantern epic are my next big reads. They're on everybody's shelf, they must be good.


I'll have to check out Madman. Writer?
I liked Transmetropolitan. Ever read Ellis's Planetary? Very very high on my list. My favorite by him (his Thunderbolts coming in 2nd)
Many would disagree with me but I felt underwhelmed by John's Green Lantern saga. Some of it is great but it was B- fare (which ain't bad).
I have to add Bendis's Daredevil and Gail Simone's Birds of Prey (with huge respect to Dixon's run)


Madman is the baby of Michael Allred. He's got that pop art style that you love or hate. It's zany and wild and fun. I read Planetary and I ain't gonna lie, I didn't get it. But I haven't read anything else from his Wildstorm universe. I understood what he was doing with the book, how each issue was an homage to different genres and character archetypes and all the whole thing, I appreciated it. But I didn't really get it. I'm told I need to read it again to fully appreciate it. I've read Green Lantern from time to time, including Morrison's new run and it's always so darn confusing! Haha. So much made up nutty shit.


Maybe Planetary has a generational hook. I don't know how old you are. I'm class of 87. If you didn't like it the first time I wouldn't waste your time a 2nd. I explain it to people like this: Imagine a world in which the Fantastic Four are villains operating like some Illuminati behind the scenes of most everything. Also imagine XFiles' Mulder as a suit-wearing Ice Man and Scully as a street level Wonder Woman both investigating the very things the FF are covering up.
You sold me on Madman. Going to read it when I'm done with current read.
I've had mixed experiences with Green Lantern. I used to pick up old copies of GL/GA at a used bookstore as a kid. Those propelled me to give GL a chance off the rack over and over. Some good, some bad. Never consistent enough. Morrison on it sounds cool though. I might, yet again, sniff around the title. Does he go nutty like with Lobo and The Triple Fish God style? I like weird in my Doom Patrol but not necessarily in old saws.


It “looks” good. As in, the actors are well cast and the costumes are perfect.

The story has, so far, been crap and the script tries way too hard to be edgy, like “Titans” and the latest season of “Young Justice”.


I do like the show but I recognize moments in it that are as bad as you say. I have my complaints. However, I couldn't even make it past three episodes of Titans. I hated it. Some aspects of Doom Patrol's script have that try-hard feel that is a bit cringy but it isn't as bad by far as Titans (IMO).


YG season 3 was edgy to you?


Can you read?


"The story has, so far, been crap and the script tries way too hard to be edgy, like “Titans” and the latest season of “Young Justice”."

Doesn't that line mean that you thought YG 3 was trying "too hard to be edgy?"


Can you read?


Yep. Apparently you can't. Good day.


3 episodes in and I think it sucks.
