Serbia vs. Switzerland 18-06-22

Half-time 1-0 to Serbia

Serbia got off to a nice start with a goal on the 5th minute. Switzerland have certainly had more possession and have played cleaner than Serbia (3 yellow cards!) but at this point I'm thinking it will swing for Serbia - but that's what half-time is all about, seeing if the strategies can change enough to outwit the other side. Best I can see for the Swiss at this point is maybe a draw.

Let's see how it goes!


I predicted a draw for Switzerland (Or in the case of the second half a draw for Serbia!) but indeed they got another in right at the end and get the points from a brilliant win.

The Swiss were on top form for that second half. Serbia fouled aggressively too much for my tastes this game and I think the better team got the prize properly.


Juror, the serbs fouled? All the world is talking right now about one scene of that game: That 2 swiss defense players grapped 1 servb offensive player as tight as they could and struggle him to the ground. Everyone on that planet saw that and this is the major point in any disciussion. Not the awful and burtal playing team of Switzerland. They even almost seriously injured Neymar during the match versus brasil. They dont play soccer. They play amateur wrestling (amatuer cause no profi would jeopardize his opponent in such a stupid way).

And then the referee decided that it was a foul by the offensive player!!!!!

Thats the important part of that game. And not your blind fanatism for amateuer wrestling! Cause that goes on since many games. and this destroys games. If this game would have been led by a valid refereee then Serbia would have gotten a penalty kick. But all hat is of interest for you is some strange pont on a match which was one of the biggest scandals of this desastrous world championship. Folks like you are simply destroying soccer!


Quint, you are free to run this part of the forum.

I'm just trying to get people who aren't talking about movies and all the entertainment stuff elsewhere to not talk about Donald F'ing Trump all day long on the trending bar.

It's yours now. You've earned it!

You're a big boy and can do the listing for each match and make sure that a few eyes see it that wouldn't otherwise.

Best of luck with it all.

I'm sure you'll put your money where your mouth is and not back out like a spineless twit.


You were talking about brutal serbs, when the swiss player was playing foul most of the time! And I dont even mention this horrible political provocation with the albanian eagle! I never ever experienced something horrible like that. They spit in the faces of their opponents at the match.

And youve seen "foul playing serbs" when noone else out there saw it. Sorry for my direct reaction, but after a match which simply showed that FIFA is not willing to let players play their game and after a match which the most ugly political provocation of the last few decades a "foul playing serbs" isnt much of a good idea!

An no, i dont give a damn if the swiss players woud have won without kicking the sh*t out of their opponents. And if FIFA wouldnt have used this match as a simple demonstration of power (that only FIFA decides the winner of games) then I would have even congratulated the swiss players. Cause im neither serb nor swiss :) .


I get that you are against the video refs and I agree that, for a test run, it's not going as well as it could.

That said, I've seen blatant overulings of TV footage in past World Cups because it comes down to the eyes on the field - there needs to be a middle ground.

As for me "Foul playing Serbs" I was referring to the amount of yellow cards they ended up getting in this game.

I have no favourite or enemy with either the Swiss or the Serbs - I like the game.

That said, I'm not making these threads to get berated for trying to drum up a little interest in the largest TV event on the planet. I spent over an hour today explaining to a member here called CaptainBucky how the selection process for the final 32 works. On top of that you want me to discuss the game as if I was at the pub?!

I'll just go to the fucking pub if that were the case Quint.

It's yours now - just remember to make the games threads, know that there are a lot of people with ZERO knowledge of the game who will show up and try to stay upbeat even if your personal gut instincts about a game are saying otherwise.

Enjoy and I'll see you elsewhere on MC!


The new TV footages are already present from almost all sides of the foul. And therefor there is in most cases no doubt, cause you see the development of the foul and what the players acting are trying to reach for. So the TV footages today is in the meantime above almost any doubt.

And the FIFA doesnt even complain about the quality of thos TV pictures, cause they are even using it at their TV referees. So the TV footages are correct. FIFA simply just shows that only FIFA decides whom will win and whom will lose. Today was nothing less then an as obvious as possible demonstration of power to show that FIFA decides and absolutely noone else. Especially not the players on the field.

And thats why I was surely more direct then usual when you mentioned the bad serbs (yellow cards arent showing anything in such a game (!) then the side at which the refereee is on. Then, lets put even the demonstration of the FIFA video referees aside, this referee stood nearby when 2 swiss players thought that they are in the middle of the amateuer wrestling world championship. So this referee had some clear bias for Switzerland. Dont know why (perhaps he was bribed. Perhaps he is simply a idiot. Perhaps both of the reasons :) ), but that also shows that TV footage shows which side is playing foul. I remember when Switzerland played against Brasil. This wasnt soccer. This was mainly Kicboxing executed perfectly by the swiss players. They kicked the feet of the brasilain players more often then the ball ;) . But the referee .... ignored most of this fouls! So yellow card my ass :) .

This is an really desastrous world championship. The above example of two extremely biased referees isnt much of a problem. Referees at world championship always were mainly indiots. Either cause they were bribed or cause they were inexperienced quto referees from small countries with no knowledge about profi soccer at all. But video referees have no excuse left at all. When they fail it isnt by accident.


It's FIFA we're talking about - perhaps the most recognised corrupt International operation in the world which no government will take on because of the potential revenue drop on a global market.

Refs have always made bad calls, intentional or not, but with the video refs now making calls people who are half-drunk and against the team are seeing as wrong calls will have ramifications. Maybe we'll AI them and get rid of them for some Electronic Arts algorithm which works better.

My only issue with this entire MC being brought into the World Cup thing Quint is that this is a website about entertainment, TV and Movies mainly - I'd like to see that attract people who are interested at a basic amatuer level and inspire them to get a bit more involved and see where it goes from there.

As I said I spent an entire hour out of my life trying to illustrate how the groups down to final work and how that is selected globally. Were I wanting to have a serious conversation there are literally thousands of sites out there which specialise in just that.

At the moment MC is about Cub-Scout level in its understanding of football/soccer, I'd like to see that up itself over the next 8 years so that when the US, Canada and Mexico are hosting we'll maybe have a decent community here who will have a great time talking about it all properly.

Baby steps though, two paragraphs per half (Which let's be fair takes 8 hours to watch in total+ my work) is not going to sum up a game properly.

But please, and in no way disrespecting whatsoever, you nip in and help out with adding the games as they come on and give a brief round up and hopefully get a few more punters in here with their opinions on what happened - just try to remember that real hardcore supporters have already got their places on the web and won't likely be around here.

For all it's worth I'm all good with you. Games can get heated and I don't have any horse in this race this time around (Well, maybe England) and so let's go!


When video referees arent reacting to amateur wrestling it is just for "half drunks" :) ? And not only against fans of this sport, which thos idiots destroy, cause video referees are the last chance that this sport isnt only a symbol for bribery?

Thats something you should think about again. But beside that, im indeed glad that a european will bring the joy of soccer (minus the bribed idiots of FIFA (including their selected video referees)) to the uninformed americans ;) . I would be happy to help you on that project, but as I mentioned I wont watch any further matches of this insult against any soccer fan out there.

FIFA killed soccer at least for the moment. What Im also wondering about is how media, beside some sidenotes, ignore this essential problem complerely. It seems like if they are happy that soccer becomes mostly a part of organized crime. If there were more pressure built up by media (and not just some neutral referees mentioning that the guys at the video referee room must be drinking the whole time. And thats only the nicest scenario for this scandal) FIFA would have to react. But right now .... they are happy with FIFA doing ist work of destruction.


FIFA, the media and anyone who can make a buck keeping football players and their sponsors on everyone's eyes, ears and lips are not for the fans or the sport.

They need to hear about this and see non-attendance, nobody buying or watching it on their TVs, strip sales going down - only then will they listen but do you think those brought up on football will do that?

That's why FIFA and the rest are screwing everybody over Quint - because they can.

Why do you think that The Emirates are next to host and then the US? It's all about the money and the franchise. We will win out when we stop feeding them, but that will take generations and it will kill something which is important to many people all over the world.


Thats why I stopped watching the world championship. Cause money is the only language the FIFA crime organisation understands. Indeed just one person wouldnt be much of a difference, but I presume that soccer build up a real bad reputation worldwide thanks to FIFA anyway. And yes, thats sad. Cause soccer means so much fun. But thats a process it has to go through to become fun again.


And BTW I like the idea of video referess. Cause only they could save soccer. Soccer has become a game with way, way too much money involved and therefor too much financial connections. There is no way anymore that soccer will continue the way it does. Video referees are the last chance that this game will be saved for the next generation. Cause right now its mainly bribed and foul played. And video referees could avoid all of that. And it worked awesome!At almost all games of the first round I was wondering about ..... the teams. Cause the referee werent nothing more then a person on the field watching that noone could ignore the rules completely. Not someone whom decides who is going to win!

And for whatever reason ..... with the second round the video referees are completely gone. And only show up when referees arent blind enough anymore and reacting on a fould inside the penalyty box with a penalty kick. Then they stop this referee. This is simply organized crime within soccer and no video refereee anymore at all :) .


And again Quint, I think we will have to let this one run it's tole and see what comes from it all. Complaints will be made and with more people than ever now on the Internet we might even get to fix things we don't agree with. But this is the first go of it and there will be mistakes - regardless (I know, this is my kinda thing [Not Football but testing out large things live]).

I have hope, we just need to get the jackals from being so blasé about how they go about it all.

Keep the faith Quint, if only for another couple of World Cups more and then maybe it'll all be done on the PS4 or Xbox.


Human failure would be one mistake per every 5 or more games. But they are destroying now almost every match. And yes, human failure is some explenation. But how does this work at video referees. They are sitting all the time in their darkened room and watching the scene from most perspectives and could examine each and every scene within seconds in its closes details. So no .... the technical background makes human failure almost impossible. So the only human factor left is .... showing that soccer always will be dominated by bribed/incompetent referees which are selected by the FIFA.

Perhaps you know some other way to explain that desaster. Would be really curious about that. Perhaps that they still have too much vodka in russia and most of that is stored at the video referee room :) ?


Saudi money, Russia, Emirates next and then the US.

It's a clear power grab and they have the cash to influence people through advertising and the media.

People will respond eventually Quint, but not in our lifetimes.


Will they ever? Money has destroyed the joy and integrity in sports. Even college sports have been ruined by the mazillions of dollars they generate for the corrupt.

The World Cup has at least retained its joy for me, because while it also fills the pockets of slimeballs, at least the action on the field has remained relatively unchanged. We still get to see the national squads play commercial-free halves, and the cancer that is free agency doesn't affect the teams.

The refereeing may not be perfect, but they do as good a job as one can expect in such a fast-moving sport. I don't see any evidence that the referees are biased in favor of any teams, or "on the take."


It was the biggest scvandal of this already desastrous world championship. A scene where to swiss players thought that this was the amateur wrestling championship grapped a serb player as tight as possible and grappled him to the hround. At the penalty box. And what happened? It was devided by the referee as a foul against Serbia. And all thos video referees which clearly saw the foul of the swiss players simply shut their mouth.

This isnt acceptable anymore. FIFA has become the even more corrupted then under the CEO Blatter. They dodnt have the excuse anymore that the referee couldnt seen a brutal foul for whatever reason, cause now they have video referees whom watching each and every scene in detail. And under such conditions theres nothing more left to desribe such scandals as simply .... bribe. And in such a way that they spit in the face of each and every soccer fan worldwide.
