MovieChat Forums > 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia (2018) Discussion > Americans-- Who Are You Supporting?

Americans-- Who Are You Supporting?

After failing to handle the powerhouse that is Trinidad and Tobago, we're left without a dog in this race.

My grandparents are from Sicily, so I typically root for Italy alongside the U.S., but Italy also failed to make the cut this time around. I also cheer on the English team each time, and will do so this year, but I need a My Team.

I knew I could choose Brazil, Germany, Belgium, powerhouses all of them, but feared I might get spoiled supporting a team that may actually win the whole thing. I wanted a team that would have about the same chance as the U.S. team, and after minimal thought, and for some fairly arbitrary reasons, my appreciation of Senegalese film being chief among them, I chose Senegal as my team for '18.

The first Senegalese match, against Poland, was really exciting, and I feel I have definitely chosen the appropriate replacement for the U.S. team. Even the way Senegal scored their goals was reminiscent of American games in that I never felt quite sure they'd entirely earned a given goal, but it counted and it was thrilling. What more can I ask for, right?

Here's hoping they advance to the round of 16, though it appears if they do advance there's a good chance England will be their first opponent. WTH life, why you hate?


Iceland, since they are the smallest team in the tournament. I like an underdog. The US is usually a big underdog when we qualify for the world cup.


Senegal is a good choice as they are fun to watch.... Should have some interesting games... Solid strikers, aggressive players, good teamwork, but their manager seems to have focused on making sure their defense is good...

Edit: I'm not American, but replying to your good choice 👍


Is your homeland in the tournament?


Nope, they're not in... Didn't qualify...

I'm neutral for most matches, but I think Cristiano Ronaldo is on a Maradona style run and might take his team, Portugal, to win the cup...

Lots of fun teams, Senegal, Croatia, etc... as well as the top teams... So enjoying the tournament...

I think the US have 8 years to gear up and build a team for when they host the cup, if they can get a few players to play football instead of going into the NFL, NBA and such... Would be fun...


You have not revealed your home country, or who you are cheering for in lieu of them. :)

I agree that Ronaldo is in top form, and if anyone can drag a team to the final match this year, it's him, but he sure could use some support. Brazil, as always, looks poised to win, and I wouldn't bet against them. All in all, it's been a great tournament so far, and nearly every match has been entertaining.


I'm from a very small country in the middle east, but I live in Dubai. I'd rather not disclose more as I am weary of trolls and doxxers online and I post here a lot. Our team didn't qualify.

I'm cheering for Portugal to win the cup due entirely to Ronaldo to see him do a Maradona-esque acheivement, but I'm neutral most other games and have no feelings about Portugal as a team. Today, I wanted Germany to win against Sweden as I was watching with my German friends... And so on...

Great tournament and it's getting better as the stakes have been raised now that the group stage is nearing it's end...


Team USA, baby. I don't care if we lose each and every game. We're winning the cup.
Anybody don't like it? Kiss my red, white and blue butt.

