Shoes....Why not shoes?

Walking around barefoot all the time, has to take a toll. Others, have shoes. Some Michael Jordans would be quiet enough.

From The Birdcage:
Val : Put your shoes on Agador, it's getting late.

Agador : [In what he thinks is a normal waiter's voice] Ah, but there's no point in my putting shoes on.

[blows out match]

Agador : I never wear shoes because they make me fall down.

Stay Gold


I didn't get that either. A good pair of sneakers are nice and quiet. Barefoot all the time ain't good.


Emmett wore shoes. He was stealthy enough. Having mentioned the shoe thing, I do not want to be a nit picker. I enjoyed the film and its predecessor. Scary movies are not the usual genre I enjoy.

'People that are left, what they’ve become… they aren’t the kind of people worth saving."

Stay Gold



I know right! At least wear a pair of socks!!!


There are many people in the world today who go through most or all of their lives barefoot. People adapt.


One of the reasons their lives are half the length of others.

Also theres a big difference if you walk around barefoot in some rural village on soft ground and if you walk on hard asphalt. You will fuck up your feet in the latter case.


I think you will need some documentation about that. I have never heard that assertion. Without evidence I cannot lend it any credence.


I mean you can do your own documentation and try to adapt. Its easy. Just stop wearing your shoes at all and go barefoot everywhere. Then count days or hours until you will end up in hospital. And remember that characters in movie dont have hospital to get into.


Actually, I go barefoot about 70% of my time. However, you made the assertion. It is up to you to document it. Until, and if, you do, I grant it no credence whatsoever.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem (coming late 2023)


In your flat you go barefoot? Try to go to city 10 miles on a rusty road with no asphalt.


I go barefoot inside and out. People who go barefoot their whole lives develop thick calluses.

Again, until you can produce evidence, that is a study or studies, which indicate shortened lifespans amongst people who live barefoot most of their lives, your assertion is meaningless.

I have no intention of addressing this again until and if you produce such evidence.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem (coming late 2023)


LOL. You are one of those funny people who run on internet and demand people to spend hours proving them something. Only to walk away silently when person does that or claim its wrong evidence and they need more. Because those people are simply trolls.

So hilarious, every time.

Honey you are not important enough to spend hours on you, lol.

Going barefoot outside is extremely stupid. Specially like they do in the movie. Here you can go to doctor once you step up on something. In apocalypse you can’t.


lmao hilarious but true.


Not true. Idk where you get the idea that barefoot folks live half the length of others.


Its not being barefoot that makes them live half the length, but damaging your legs certainly contributes.


They don't. A lot of folks in the rural area don't have physical problems. Elite Americans are just too snowflake to imagine physical fortitude.


Read about Tetanus. Its a a bacterial infection that often leads to death. And often caused when people in rural areas or poor countries walk barefoot and step on something and infection gets to their body through open wound. Lots of village people in many countries get it. They live their life, being healthy as bull. Then bam - step on something and die.

And "many people in the world today who go through most or all of their lives barefoot" live in poor countries and life span usually there is like 45-50 years. They dont live to 90 years old like in countries where people protect their feet.


Maybe they knew after awhile there wouldn't be any as they will rot away. You might as well start getting used to not having them now.


Homemade shoes is a thing people used to do before universal manufacturing happened.


The creatures ate the animals also so there is no leather to use. I suppose they could weave some plant stuff for shoes.


Cotton and Silk is natural. If you are pressed you can even weave plant leaves. some plants are pretty tough.


Cotton and Silk would need to be imported to most areas.


Well, true. The movie is taking place near New York. The closes current industrial growing of cotton is done in Virginia according to 2019 USDA survey.


Have you heard of Doc Martens?

I have a pair that I still wear that I have had for over 40 years.


Shoes will not rot away in 10 or 20 years. And even if they could not find any - they can wrap their feet into any material. Shoes can be made out of anything.


Well in not knowing the full ability the monsters have in hearing. I think it is wise to go shoeless in less noise if stepping on a stick.


I think it's a mental thing to help you get used to the idea that you don't really want to be stepping anywhere that requires shoes anyways. Like glass and other areas where there is risk of breaking something as you walk. Risking injury, but even worse, creating noise.


Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Thank you.

[Silence] is when we hear inwardly, sound when we hear outwardly. ~Henry David Thoreau

Stay Gold


Women are very fussy about shoes.


You want them to go around looking for Michael Jordans? Your feet will adapt once you build strength and calluses. A lot of rural folks go around barefoot everywhere, climbing mountains and through the jungle. Broken glass, nails and such however are going to be a BIG problem.


Shoes thing annoys me the most in these movies. This is just so stupid and there will never be good explanation.

They live in a world of no medicine and no doctors. When your stupid ass cuts your foot by stepping on anything - you may simply die from infection. If you dont - it may take forever for your foot to heal. And you cant walk properly for a lot of time.

No sane person would go barefoot for such long distances. In your home? Fine. But not walking for 10 miles to city or river.
At least wear a tight socks. Something to protect your skin.


It's prolly a callback, i.e., reference to "a call to nature" [though I still have a lot of learning and understanding of the late Mr. Joseph Campbel, I still need to read a lot more!]. But

… society has collapsed. People are forced to live off the fat of the land, thus becoming more in tune or imbalanced, e.g., inlined, with nature. That's my take and should be obvious to many.

DISCLAIMER: Whoever consumes this post, I am not a podiatrist, nor ever worked in any health-related field, and I am not endorsing any claims or inferences made within this post and bear no responsibility for any consequences, including other parties, derived from consuming what is posted herein.
