Review: Masterpiece to some, pretentious claptrap to others.
I've seen several people say this is like The Witch (2015) made by Terrence Malick. I'm not familiar with Malicks work, having only seen Days of Heaven (1978), however that statement rings true.
Stick The Witch, Hagazussa and Days of Heaven in a blender and you've got You Won't Be Alone (2022). Seriously if you like those films you'll adore this film, you absolutely have got to check it out.
This film contains stellar cinematography, interesting Witch lore, good acting performances and philosophical inner monologue narration akin to Days of Heaven. It's about life experiences.
Highly recommended to those whom like artistic Horror films. If you find Days of Heaven and The Witch to be pretentious bores then by all means steer well clear of this film.