ROTJ Luke was always my least favorite Luke
It was cool seeing Luke stroll up in his X-Wing and show his power, but it was also pretty cliche too. He's walking around swinging his saber against insurmountable odds (and lots of enemies). It was a classic "more/bigger is better" situation. I liked it to an extent, but I also had no problem with his display of power in TLJ. I actually liked that quite a bit. It was a huge display of power. He did something no one ever did (on screen) before. It wasn't the typical swinging of the lightsaber against hordes of opponents either. But the action was the only part I liked about his appearance in Mando.
I don't like Luke's personality from that era. I never have. ROTJ Luke sucks. He was my favorite character growing up, but he has ALWAYS bothered me in ROTJ. He has no personality. He's Mace Windu-level wooden.He's not interesting because he's too busy walking around brooding and acting like he HAS TO act like he has no personality. His obsession with "saving" Vader is also a huge turnoff. People complained about him, but I liked him much more than ROTJ Luke. He had a personality. Mando brought back that bland Luke and I don't like it.