MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > Luke takes more than a week to come and ...

Luke takes more than a week to come and collect Grogu...

...after receiving his force call. Two full episodes with another side mission thrown in between.

It was only one day and one night between Rey asking Luke to help the resistance and him appearing on Crait?

What made Luke so slow to go and help Grogu?


You don't know how long it took to receive the "force call."


You mean someone took down a message for Luke and forgot to give him it?

Luke was in the shower for days while the Force phone was ringing?

I have no reason to think there's a delay between two Force callers when communicating with each other. All examples shown so far have been instantaneous.


We've never seen it done the way Grogu contacted Luke before this show.


Yeah it looked like a far more powerful phenomenon than any force communication we've seen before.

Either way, the look of it doesn't convince me that it should take more than a week for Luke to eventually respond.


The location of Moff Gideon was probably on the other side of the Universe, and it took Luke a while to get there. Space is big, but this is just pure speculation on my part.


But distance has never been an issue in Star Wars before. When they thought the Falcon had jumped to hyperspace in Empire Strikes Back they remark "it will be on the other side of the galaxy by now" only a short time later.


Wait thirty years and a movie will cover this issue!


In the meantime, I shall make a new youtube video every 3 weeks claiming that Faverau has been fired because of this?


He didn't go to Crait. He just sent an image of him there.


It's a long way and Luke originally went to Tython where he got the signal from Grogu from the ancient temple on top of a mountain. It wasn't until the Mandalorian and his crew located where Moff Gideon was did the New Republic know. When the New Republic found out, Luke found out.


How do you know Luke went to Tython?

How do you know it was a long way?

The New Republic never found out. You're imagining things.


I think you're wrong. The signal was sent from Tython. So Luke naturally went there first. They went on that mission to the mining colony find where Moff Gideon was. No one knew until the codes were recovered. Once they were recovered everyone knew. You're ignorant about things.


Rey was an adult who could send coherent messages like "The Resistance is on the plant Crait and need help THIS MINUTE!". Grogu was a toddler who can't talk yet, and his Force message was probably something like "Hungry wanna frog... blue light so peaceful... oh look shiny men! Friends like Mando!".

So Luke would maybe be able to get a fix on the location of the original call through some Force power that's never been explained to us, and then he had to track Grogu through hyperspace. The only way he could do that is by communicating through the Force with Grogu, and Grogu would never know where he was or be able to concentrate, what with being bled or tortured and so on. It's amazing it only took a week.


Come on. You are clutching at straws there.

ROTJ Luke should be responding quicker than the supposedly cowardly Luke from TLJ. Right?


Well, what do YOU think is going on inside Grogu's head?

Whatever it is, I betcha precise coordinates aren't it.


Ahsoka had no trouble understanding Grogu.


She wasn't asking him to name the location of a moving spaceship, she was just asking his name and getting a little of his background.


Right so the Force guided Luke there. Took a hell of a lot longer than it took to guide him to the resistance on Crait.


No you're wrong.


he wanted to go into tosche station and pick up some power converters first.
