MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > Carl Weathers is in this BUT...

Carl Weathers is in this BUT...

He is NOT Lando.

Just in case anyone was getting confused...


Who's confused? Methinks YOU'RE THE ONE confused. For starters Carl Weathers NEVER WAS Lando. That was Billy Dee Williams who played the part.


Yes! This is EXACTLY correct. Billy Dee Williams played Lando and NOT Carl Weathers!

Billy Dee Williams also famously played Harvey Dent in Batman, whereas Carl Weathers played Dillon ("you son of a bitch") and shared the greatest homoerotic handshake in the history of cinema with Arnie in Predator.

They are not the same person. For anyone getting confused.


Yes, I know. "That other one" plays Lando. *Giggles*


Not sure what you mean by "that other one" - sounds a bit racist to me...

However this guy explains the fact that Carl Weathers is NOT the same guy as Billy Dee Williams pretty well:-

There's also these (for anyone else still getting confused):-


well I was simply lampooning the racism of confounding one black actor for another. OP suggests that people that see Carl Weathers would mistake him for "that other" black actor who had actually played Lando.


? I don't understand what you mean. Carl Weathers looks like Billy Dee Williams - that's why people are getting confused and mixing them up. It's nothing to do with them both being black actors. It's because they look alike.

Similarly I can see that Jesse Plemons and Matt Damon look alike. Again this is because they look alike and has nothing to do with them both being white.

Surely any racism would apply if you cannot appreciate people of different races looking alike rather than being able to discern and appreciate their similarities.


Carl Weathers could never be mistaken for Billy Dee Williams, and vice versa. Weathers, besides having larger lips, has heavily hooded eyes and is a darker complexion. Why not just admit that your corny joke misfired and leave it at that?


What - are you seriously saying that people can't look a like if they have different complexions?! I'm not sure if that too is a bit sinister sounding...

Of course they look a like - otherwise I wouldn't have made this thread to help people who might be getting confused. Do you think I made up that video or the meme images I posted above? No. I didn't. Just go and google "Carl Weathers Billy Dee Williams look a likes" and you'll see literally hundreds of results. I guess maybe some people aren't color blind when comparing people...


You are right. The OP reflects the old "they all look the same to me" racist trope.


Not at all. The OP was made because people were / are mixing up Bill Dee Williams, who played Lando, and Carl Weathers. I have provided many examples of this throughout this thread.

I also challenged atomicgirl's very worrying claim that they couldn't look a like because they have different skin tones. Heck Sandra Bullock is a renowned look a like of Michael Jackson and they aren't even of the same race or sex!

I find replies like yours quite worrying and verging on sinister with this "they all look the same" racist comment. They both look similar, that is why they are look a likes and people are getting them confused, full stop.

If you are claiming that no two black people could look a like then I find that quite troubling because that in itself seems racist to me. i.e. You are saying that you cannot discern that two people of another race look similar.

Perhaps you could disprove this by giving an example of two black people who would satisfy the look a like criteria in your eyes?


No, the burden of proof is on you! Go ahead and explain how do Billy Dee Williams and Carl Weathers loo similar.


Lol. As I expected...


Carl Weathers was never Lando lol.


You are 100% correct. He was always played by Billy Dee Williams.

However the purpose of this thread was to correct anyone who'd seen Carl Weathers in the trailer and got themselves confused.

Just to clarify - Carl Weathers is NOT playing Lando and never has. For anyone getting confused.


Who's confused?


Anyone who watched the trailer and thought "hey, Lando's in this!". Because it isn't Lando. It's a completely different character played by Carl Weathers and not Billy Dee Williams.

A lot of people mix these actors up because they look a like. However it's definitely Carl Weathers in this show and not Billy Dee Williams. For anyone who was getting confused.


Honestly I thought it was lando


"I suppose we all look-alike to you, right Constanza?"


Thank you for the clarification. I wish someone was there to tell me Sam Jackson wasn’t Lando when Phantom Menace came out.


Er, not sure if this is some kind of sinister post but Samuel L Jackson looks absolutely nothing like Billy Dee Williams.

Billy Dee Williams looks like Carl Weathers hence the purpose of this thread. It's to help anyone out in case anyone was getting confused.

Carl Weathers is in this new show, The Mandalorian and he's not playing Lando. Lando was played by Billy Dee Williams.


My thoughts exactly. OP is racist.


😂 Dude - It is YOU who is potentially displaying signs of racism. I have TWICE risen to your very worrying comments and asked you to provide some evidence that your are not necessarily a racist.

On this thread I have provided examples of black people who don't look a like (when challenging what was what you've described correctly as an existing trope, i.e "all look the same", I have given an example of white guys who look a like and I've even given an example of a white female who looks like a black dude!

I even challenged you directly to give an example of black look a likes to try and see if you really weren't a racist but I guess to you no two black people can look a like!! So either you're a racist because you can't see similarities in races other than your own OR you're some kind of white saviour here posting some bullshit that you think makes you look cool / pc / whatever?

Did you even actually stop to consider what my race might be whilst doing these stupid cowardly indirect replies (seriously dude, man up), repeating stupid accusations of racism? AS I made this thread I assumed it would pull out some kind of idiot like you and low and behold it sure did...


I don't think it's racist to confuse certain actors.
I use to confuse J.T Walsh with Michael McKeon all the time and I know people that use to confuse Bill Pullman with Jeff Daniels when they were younger (and I didn't think they looked very much alike...but they were "similar"...)
There are many others I could come up with.
These are white people...does this mean a white person is racist for mistaking them?

I don't confuse Carl Weather and Billy Dee Williams but I can see where it could happen. They are both attractive black men past their prime sometimes playing similar types of roles.
This should not be "a thing".



This is very much my point. You can have two people of any races who will look similar (but equally millions / billions more who won't) - people looking alike is not some reserve of the white race!

Problem on here (and I guess society at large) is you got some dudes who are so ensconced in their mindset that any comparison of African Americans falls under the "all looking the same" banner and their default position has to be one of utterly corrupt accusations of racism. But to me this throws up the possibility that they are just saying what they think they ought to say, rather than risk being confident in their own ability to speak in case they said two people they'd get called out on for not looking at all alike.

Don't (pretend to) not be a racist by ticking boxes. Don't be a racist by not being a racist.


I think the problem is that the slightest thing can bring accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia from making the most innocent of comments from a certain sub group. The biggest problems may be in the people hurling the insults so casually. They may, in fact, be the ones most racist, sexist and phobic .

I was once called racist when discussing a popular tv show and commenting that I tended to forget the characters race after I got to know them. And that I never thought of it again unless someone else brought it up.
Always keeping track of our differences seems more divisive to me. More racist. Their insult made no sense to me.

But isn't that the way it is in real life?
When you first meet someone you will make note of those specific different characteristics but after you get to know them and like them you might tend to focus more on things you have in common. Not the differences.
Or at least that's the way it should be.
Identity politics are not progressive. They're divisive.
Some people are looking for ways to be offended these days so they'll have something to fight against and make themselves feel good about themselves...and if you don't give it to them they'll make it up.


We know that you pea brain. Weather's I in his 70's not 30's...🙄🙄🙄


Billy Dee Williams is also no longer in his 30s - he's in his 80s now if you can believe! Therefore it's not a case of getting old Carl Weathers mixed up with young Lando, rather getting him mixed up with what Lando would look like now.

I believe old Lando (played by Billy Dee Williams) will appear in Rise of Skywalker though so it will be important not to get him mixed up with Carl Weathers' Mandalorian character when watching that! Hopefully though, this thread will clear that all up for anyone who was getting confused.

reply one is gonna get confused. This is set right after Return of the Jedi....lmao...


Look I appreciate YOU are having no issues with any potential mix up but further to the video I linked to above (where some other dude was indeed confused) have a look here:-

In case you can't be bothered clicking:-

The Mandalorian trailer offers quick looks at some settings, characters, and events in just one and a half minutes, without revealing too much – however, at around the 0:29 mark, there’s a character that some viewers have been confusing with Billy Dee Williams, aka Lando Calrissian. Well, that’s actually Carl Weathers, and he’s playing Greef Carga, the leader of a bounty hunter guild who hires the Mandalorian for a mysterious job.

So unless you think I'm making up ALL these videos, memes, articles, etc then maybe you should consider the seemingly incredible possibility that SOME people are indeed mixing up Carl Weathers with Billy Dee Williams.

But once again for anyone getting confused - It isn't Lando, who was played by Billy Dee Williams, it's a completely different character played by Carl Weathers.


Say confused one more time.


I really did think that was Lando


Well friend, you certainly came to the correct thread 👍

Hopefully you are now not confused and fully aware that it was not Lando, as played by Billy Dee Williams, in the trailer but rather Carl Weathers playing a completely different character.


Well thank you for your help


Hahaha , I will miss the day when light racism is no longer considered humorous by some.


no I literally thought it was Lando. Not being funny.


I misread "Carl Weathers is in his BUTT"
