So let me get this straight...
- This film was created by two WHITE liberal women in Hollyweird
- It's meant to "empower" black women and pander to black viewers to make them feel good about their role in history.
- It's a story based on one of the only tribes in Africa that had its own all-female regiment included in their army, an all-female regiment who got their asses kicked by WHITE MALE soldiers in real life, carrying bayonets.
- If we don't watch it, we're all evil racists and white supremacists, and will make it so black women never get a leading role in a movie ever again.....right.....
- Were these white liberal assholes in Hollyweird counting on black viewers being too stupid to study the history of the Dahomey Tribe and learning how big a role they played in the African slave trade?
- How exactly is a story about black people in Africa doing the very thing modern American blacks hate supposed to empower them?
- And yet people who complain about the story being historically inaccurate and insulting to black people are being labeled as "racists?"
- Am I missing something here?