Here’s Why Some of the Black Community Is Driving #BoycottWomanKing on Social Media
That last paragraph is just not believable. Africans never had such solidarity, it was our tribe vs the others.
Critics don’t have an issue with Davis playing a strong Black leader in “The Woman King,” but are alarmed that the history of the Dahomey tribe, who sold other Africans into slavery, has been whitewashed.
“Time to Boycott the Woman King movie. The film is about the Dahomey & Benin that traded slaves into the transatlantic… This may be the most offensive film to Black Americans in 40-50 years,” wrote Los Angeles attorney and producer Antonio Moore.
“Let’s be honest folk. It’s movie about a African tribe famous for selling slaves to Europeans that was made into a female empowerment story by two White women writers. You don’t have to be very “woke” to see the problem here,” wrote one Twitter user.
Black journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones also tweeted about the film a month before its release in August.
“It will be interesting to see how a movie that seems to glorify the all-female military unit of Dahomey deals with the fact that this kingdom derived its wealth from capturing Africans for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade,” she wrote.
The film itself takes an anti-slavery stance, with Davis’ character General Nanisca speaking up about her kingdom’s participation in the slave trade a few times, begging King Ghezo (John Boyega) to separate Dahomey from the process since Black people are all their people.