"You and the OP are trying to excuse Americans for slavery" - nope, Not excuse. Just put the things into perspective.
Americans are not more guilty than the others. Those were the times.
"I hold my government accountable. " Yeah? So go ask Biden to retire since you hold him accountable for what happened 250 years ago. And all the senators.
"You want to forgive and forget and have us all in chains in 20 years." - nope, that will never come back again.
"The average net worth of a white American is twice that as the average net worth of a black American"
And there are almost twice as many poor whites than poor blacks ...
And I'm not surprised when 72% of the black kids are fatherless, in one parent households. As opposed to 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites.
"Here are some of the well-known risks for children growing up with a single mother compared to their peers in married-couple families: lower school achievement, more discipline problems and school suspension, less high school graduation, lower college attendance and graduation, more crime and incarceration (especially for boys), less success in the labor market, and more likely to become single parents themselves (especially for girls), thereby starting the cycle all over again for the next generation."
Look at this group of blacks that's quite successful in the USA, according to you shouldn't be possible:
So get your shit together and don't blame everything on the whites, you are dragging your race into the gutters by yourself. Change that ghetto culture that you are so proud of yourself, stop killing each other, raise your damn kids to become successful and things will change.
But that's hard, it's easier to blame "the evil whites" ...
I immigrated 8 years ago in this country and I fair pretty well because I work hard, don't look for handouts and I try to improve my life in a legal way. You should try it too.
But of course because I'm white I'm somehow guilty for the US history of slavery ... and you dare talking about racism ...