"So if you, personally, buy a slave, it is okay because you are not the one selling them? Is it that way with drugs too?"
No, I would personally never buy a slave, or drugs. It would NOT be ok! Not sure about you since you're using that argument.
But apparently for you is ok to enslave people and sell slaves as long as you don't buy them?
You ask and you answer? I like that!!
"Yes, most African slaves owned by Europeans were captured by other Africans then sold to slave traders," bingo, so you know the answer.
"but some slaves were directly captured by Europeans." just some, the minimum, we are talking about the general picture here, the Atlantic slave trade wouldn't even had been profitable with few slaves captured by the Europeans without the bulk that was traded to Europeans so without that trade it might had never happened.
"I hardly see why this makes a difference." so you don't see the difference between actually enslaving a human being probably killing more in the process (and selling them) and buying them?
Well, in my book there is difference between stealing goods and buys stolen goods, as an example. Not saying that humans are goods, just putting into perspective which of the acts is worse.
But it's funny that you continue with this reasoning like ONLY the Europeans are somehow in the wrong for the Atlantic slave trade and the African and Arab slavers and slave traders did NOTHNIG wrong.
ALTHOUGH you acknowledge that "Slavery has existed far longer than most nations" and that the majority of the slaves send over the Atlantic were traded to the Europeans as already slave you insist to blame only the Europeans.
Let me tell you something: if the roles would had been reversed the Africans would have done the same to Europeans. Actually they already did that in Spain ... read about the Moorish invasion in 711 and the enslavement of white population, plus the raids on the coastal Europe by the Moors and the enslavement of the population.
You see, I'm not trying to absolve the Europeans for their sins, but you are trying to blame it only on Europeans ...