Poses so many questions and never answers them
I wanna like this show, but we're on season 3 and we still don't know exactly what Leanne is, we still don't know if Jericho is actually Dorothy's baby or how Leanne makes him appear at will, or what was going on with the water in the basement. We still don't know what exactly the cult is or how they got their powers, we still don't even know why Leanne only ate tomato soup in the first season.
Sean or someone will point blank look Leanne or one of the cult members in the face and plainly ask "Whats going on? whats the rules?" and they'll stare blankly and not answer, guessing cause M Night Shyamalan can't think of any.
The show is really well acted, it looks great, its got great atmosphere and music, but the problem is they never give you any answers to anything. You keep thinking at the end of each season you're gonna get all the answers or at least some and you never do.
I feel like the writers have no clue whats going either and they're just winging this whole thing and will likely never come up with answers. They're jsut gonna keep doing weird creepy shit and never explain any of it.