MovieChat Forums > Chris Rock: Tamborine (2018) Discussion > You would think that cops would occasion...

You would think that cops would occasionally shoot a white kid just to make it look good.

This is Chris Rock, pandering to his ignorant uninformed audience:

"Here's my question, you would think that cops would occasionally shoot a white kid just to make it look good. You would think every couple of months they’d look at their dead n**** calendar and go, ‘Oh my God, we’re up to 16! We gotta shoot a white kid quick!'. I wanna live in a world with real equality. I want to live in a world where an equal amount of white kids are shot every month. I wanna see white mothers on TV, crying, standing next to Al Sharpton, talkin' about, 'We need justice for Chad.'"

Of course, the truth is completely different than the imaginary world that Rock and his audience live in. According to the date, far more white people are fatally shot by police than black people. 49% of those fatally shot by police are white, while 24% are black.

Liberals rely on this kind of ignorance.


Its what people are taught on things like twitter and NBC. Even when they acknowledge the difference they try and bring up how often cops interact with black people while completely leaving out their involvement in crime is completely out of whack with their total population and that has far more effect on that interaction rate than any other thing you can point to.

Cops have no problem shooting white people armed or otherwise. The recent swatting call is an example of that: white guy answers door, cops are hyped up, white guy isn't listening to all commands, white guy is shot. Cops will shoot anyone of any color if they think they have too. You can question whether they should have, but more often than not its not the color its the situation. It is absolutely essential to follow ALL commands that officers give you, especially if they have their hand on the gun or its already been pulled. That is not the time to protest and show your a**. That can come later if there really was wrongdoing by the police officer.


Yup. Because all liberal millenials do is watch news via scrolling on Facebook. And because the media never reports on a white man getting shot by police, then it never happens in their minds. They are so consumed by their internet culture that they are completely oblivious to reality. And then we wonder why people more likely to believe Trump's twitter feed...


You're quite right in pointing out that reality is far different than what the headlines say. Many times the TV news will show someone's cell phone video and it's too easy to forget that the video clip only shows part of what went on prior to and after what was shown.

As for this being only a liberal issue, I have to disagree. Both sides of the political spectrum use heavily biased and slanted facts to support their viewpoint. A skilled person can make Hitler seem a benign and efficient leader, Charles Manson a persecuted saintly figure or Mother Theresa a selfish witch who exacerbated the hunger problem.


"Both sides of the political spectrum use heavily biased and slanted facts to support their viewpoint."

The old 'both sides do the same' argument without providing any facts to back it up.


The old 'both sides do the same' argument without providing any facts to back it up.

Considering you never gave a source for your original post, your post seems quite harsh. I'm not saying you're wrong, but to say all liberals are wrong because it happens to not jive your thinking isn't productive. But if you want an example, the books and statements of political writer and commentator Ann Clouter provide ample material on how the far right push a racist and biased agenda.

What no one has mentioned, myself included, is an aggregate example of the results (with references)of police shootings over the past several years. It would be interesting to see how many were justified, a breakdown by race, geographical area, etc. One source is


"But if you want an example, the books and statements of political writer and commentator Ann Clouter provide ample material on how the far right push a racist and biased agenda. "

I'm talking about facts, not opinion.


Ann Clouter presents her opinions as fact as much as Chris Rock did.

For example, she once said that "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims". There are a lot of white Christian terrorists such as the IRA and Timothy McVeigh.


The issue with black perspective is most blacks live in cities. And cities is not the country. When you're in the city, half the people you see, sometimes a great deal more, are black. You spend your life living in the city, you think things are split pretty even. But you get out in the country and it's a sea of white people. In the city, you see a lot more violence and police action against blacks, because you're all bottled up in the city. Almost all perceived injustice in this country is actually country living vs city living. Not class war or race war.

And as stated, the liberal meeting just flames it all on.


well said


shouldn't you be watchim tim allen or blue collar comedy tour dvds instead?


Or Jerry Springer. OP is not that bright.






Before you present numbers like that at least take into consideration that approximately 75% of the population in the USA are white and about 15% are black... So just based on those numbers it is easy to see you need to dig a little deeper before presenting your conclusion... and you talk about ignorance?

Then we also need to analyze all incidents and remove all the incidents where the police had a valid reason to shoot... Then we are left with all those incidents where shooting seemed unnecessary or extreme... and among those incidents I am pretty sure a high % of black people being among the casualties...

But please correct me if I am wrong...


Well you also have to consider the high level of blacks involved in crime especially serious crime which far ahead of their population...this unquestionable effects the contact rate with law enforcement...but when it comes to unnecessary force and factoring in additional information...the difference isn't really that much as police do not hesitate to shoot white people in the circumstances we have seen complain about with black people....there was a recent swatting incident that a white guy was shot and killed...he wasn't listening..but he wasn't armed either.

Unfortunately one of the big things that cause these incidents is not following commands, people need to know how to properly interact with police. You can only train police so far, at some point the public has to act properly when in contact with them. When an officer pulls his weapon whether it is legit or not your hands need to be in plain view and you need to follow every command. Can it still happen? sure but the chances of it happening while following all orders reduces it to very very low.

Not to mention not everyone agrees with the list that is put forward as unjustified.


and you talk about ignorance?

What an idiot. I see lordbishop has set you straight.

Even though whites are the majority, most of them aren't involved in criminal activity at the rates blacks are. So you can't go by just population, you have to take into account who's being confronted by the police.

Yeah, I can talk about ignorance when I'm discussing you.


I am sorry I did not answer right away... but I have a job and other things to do... I guess when you are unemployed and bitter it is easier to find time to visit chat forums...

Why don't you and Lord just keep ignoring basic knowledge at your next KKK meeting and stop watching CR when you know he will end up upseting you?


Learn to read, moron. I didn't say anything about you not answering right away.

You're the one ignoring 'basic knowledge' by not taking into account that blacks encounter the police at a much higher rate than the 15% of the population they represent.

But just keep stupidly thinking that doesn't matter. And yeah, everyone who disagrees with you is in the KKK. Fucking idiot.


Well it is hard to respond in a civilized manner when you start your sentence with 'what an idiot'. Sorry if I incorrectly linked you to the KKK;-) But if you want a civilized reply then start with a civilized answer... But I guess anybody who doesn't agree with you are an idiot?


You're an idiot because you can't present a logical rebuttal, so you resort to pulling the race card and accusing me of being in the KKK.

Fucking moron.


Well Snags... your rebuttal was impressive;-) Like I said before when you start a sentence with 'what an idiot' I do not really care to answer with a logical rebuttal as you do seem able to discuss anything in a civilized manner... So I guess you get what you pay for;-)


Typocal liberal reply. Can't counter facts, so call the person racist.


Did it take you 5 years to come up with that?


Late or not, he's right, that is the typical lib reply.


Well that is just great... I guess you have me all figured out:-)


I'm open to the possibility of some individual traits, but the OP quotes from Chris Rock are stupid as HELL, and he is the one being terribly racist.

Making some crack about the "kkk" in defense of a black racist? Yes, Typical lib reply.


My god... it is taken from a comedy show... not a news report... Of course CR are exaggerating to make a joke... Have you not watched a comedy special before?

And maybe I was exaggerating/trying to be funny using the kkk reference... But why someone takes offense to something being said for fun to make a joke at a f****** stand up show is beyond me... And show exactly what is wrong with world today...


I don't understand the point you are making by pointing out that it was a comedy show.

You seem to be implying that comedy cannot be racist. That makes no sense to me.


Of course comedy can be racist... but sometimes a joke is just joke... People get so easily offended these days... because they think everythink has some sort of political agenda... I think CR only agenda was trying to be funny... If he suceeded is up to each person to decide... I mean comedy is often situations from the real world that you exaggerate or twist is some ways to make it funny...


Sometimes. But in this case, the premise that cops are just killing black kids for the fun of it, is racist and stupid.

It draws on a world view of America being an evul white supremacist society. And supports it.

Which is absurd, stupid and racist and divisive.

The reality is that this country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid 60s.

Yet a lot of racists like to pretend that we are an evul oppressive white supremacist tryanny, in order to justify hating or discriminating against White People, especially white men.


Of course the police are not killing black kids for the fun of it... not even CR thinks that... but are you denying that there have been acts of racism from some police officers which have resulted in primarily the death of black people?

And now that white men victim card... So do you honestly believe white men have it harder in the US than women, blacks, hispanics, Asians etc.?


1. Plenty of people push the idea, seriously, that this country is a w.s. society where white people as a group are still actively involved in oppressing blacks, up to and including random murder. Some of the cop incidents, charges filed required PREMEDIATION of killing the black guy, for one example. That is not just a "joke", that is government officials making it government policy that the cops killed the black kid just for fun.

2. "White men victim card"? "Harder"? I said what I said. a lot of racists like to pretend that we are an evul oppressive white supremacist tryanny, in order to justify hating or discriminating against White People, especially white men.

Don't ask me another question to try to pivot away from my point. Address it or not.


What is your point... White men are oppressed, there is no rasicm against black people in the USA, CR is racist? I will gladly address it whatever your point is?


My point was that the complaint about what Chris Rock said was valid and you dismissing it with a crack about "kkk" was wrong. And in a way that is standard for libs.


I will give you a warning. Corbell is one of these idiots that seeks outrage porn. Anytime his right wing agenda is mocked or even slightly challenged he is like a bull in a China shop. Proceed with caution you are dealing with a total brainwashed jackass. .


Yeah you are probably right... It is just funny how someone is so easily offended by a stand up special from CR


Oh even a joke they can't take. Yet they get mad at cancel culture? Hypocrisy?


Dude. Moviefanatic is a complete troll. You want to be careful about siding with HIM.

The joke was racist. You saying "kkk" in response to someone discussing that, was "typical".


You get offended over a joke huh? That means we have the right to be offended at a joke towards black people right?


The shit you say, it incredible. You pact so much stupidity in each word, layer upon layer of it.

1. I did not say I was emotionally offended. I said it was racist. I was discussing the topic. Please to not put words in my mouth.

2. In context, what you should have asked, instead of making up shit, was " do we have the right to discuss whether jokes made toward black people, are racist?". Except you were too stupid and/or dishonest to actually do that.

3. Sure. If you think a joke made "towards" black people is racist, you have the right to say so and discuss it. I never said otherwise.

4. Are you now going to gloat like a retard becuase I "conceeded" something, you pathetic trollboi?


If a black person called a racist joke towards them racist, you would respond with look people wacism in a mocking manner. You are allowed to call out racist jokes but black people can't. The double standard is ridiculous.


Depends on teh joke. Depends on what they want to do about it.

In most instances today, teh context is an attempt to cancel the person.

I expressed no desire to cancel Rock. I would like to tell him that his joke was retarded and racist. Maybe ridicule him a bit for that.

So, your claim of a double standard is just you being a shit talker.


He has been told that I am sure. You don't carry enough weight nor is a person like you worth listening to. You would mock a black person for calling a racist joke racist. Wacism would be your retort.


1. I'd be happy to tell him again.

2. I might mock a black person, if I though his claim of racism was false, and/or he was calling for Cancelling.

You got a recent example of a joke "towards" black people, or are you just imaging that it happens a lot?


Go for it. Your words will fall on deaf ears.

No you would mock them even if it was legitimate. I'm not talking about cancelling calling out a racist joke. By this logic Airplane is a racist film.

Oh there is plenty. Scott Adams boom simple.


Scott adams? Ok. Now quote me attacking someone for discussing what he said.

I actually don't recall whether I commented on that here or not. You might find something.

Or you could explain what he said that you think was racist.


He said get the hell away from black people. Is that racist? That people shouldn't live near them.


Your question reveals that you do not know what racism is.

Not suprising. Most lefties don't.


Lol okay so what is that implying then? What's he saying that for then? That's implying something negative towards a specific race. Racism definition discrimination against a specific group based on ethnicity. So um?


It "implies" nothing. He was explicitly clear as to the reason. In fact his statement was IN RESPONSE to the reason.

And it was NOT a racial trait.

So, ok. That's pretty telling that YOUR example to make me look unreasonable, actually reveals that your claim has to be built on a lie.


Lol right. I bet you didn't read the full deal. Why did go and apologize if he meant nothing?


I did not say he meant nothing. Are you unable to address what I actually say?


What did he mean by those words? Stay away from BLACK people. He specifically mentions race right there. Yet you are saying that is not racist what he is saying? What does that imply? You simply want to omit it because you are gaslighting. Anyone with a brain can understand what he meant by those words.


Not every criticism of a racial group is racist.

It is clear that you think that anythime a white guy dares speak negatively of a minority group that it is by definiiton racist.

That is not true. .

Indeed it is racist of you to think so. It implies that white men are morally inferior as a racial trait, to blacks and thus should never criticize said blacks.


This is you gaslighting. I said what he said there was racist because of what he was implying. I never said a white guy can't criticize a minority group. There is a difference between criticism and implying hateful bigoted things. Anyways no you are the one who thinks anytime a black person speaks out against a white person that it is unacceptable. White privilege makes you shriek. Just because you yourself never experienced that privilege does not mean it never happened.


1. Nothing you have said, indicates that you have any idea WHAT he said, but you are certain it was racist. Tthat is a YOU problem.

2. I'm fine with black persons speaking out against white persons. I love it, for example, when Thomas Sowell crushes stupid white liberals. I have only stated that I am against FALSE ACCUSATIONS. That you interpreted that as ALL accusations, is you revealing your true position.

3. White Privilege is something anti-white racists say to justify their anti-white racism.


I read the entire thing. I asked you what he was implying by saying that. You had no retort. All you said was it's not racist... Yeah real convincing there buddy.

You just proved my point. You only are for it so long as it's against liberals. Notice how you aren't going to bring up Crowder being a scumbag? Had this been a liberal you would have been all over exposing it. Let Obama be caught doing that and you would have had a heart attack.

Did white privilege exist in the past yes or no? Racists downplay or deny it ever existed. That is a two way street bud.


You asked what he implied. He implied nothing. So what the fuck are you even talking about?

Y Our point was that I was against any blacks sayhing shit against whites. NOw you admit that I am fine if I agree with them. You just admitted that your previous complaint was bullshit.

No, I do not blieve that it did. It is not a two way street. White privilege is something anit-white racists say to justify their anti-white racism.


So by saying stay away from black people he implied nothing?

That would be the only exception. Otherwise you do not like blacks saying anything against whites. This is backed up by the fact that you had no issue with Rooney Mara playing Tigerlily. Yet you moaned and groaned about Kravitz as Catwoman. Notice the deal here?

Nope it is a two way street. There are plenty of racist idiots who try to deny the Holocaust happened and that white privlege never existed. Your lie is noted and it is dismissed.


1. He was explicitly clear about his meaning. Nothing implied. That you want to ignore his clearly stated words, to discuss what you IMAGINE he meant, is you wanting to LIE.

2. Nope. i would also support criticisms of blacks I am neutral on, towards people I don't know, if the criticisms seemed reasonable and credible. You just keep saying stupid shit that seems to be based on nothing but your desire to attack people you hate.

3. Except that white privilege is indeed a myth. No one has ever given me anything because of my race. Ditto every whitee person i know. YOur claims are utter nonsense, that only serve to justify your anti-white racism.


Lol then you just said I never said he did not imply anything. So which is it? You contradicted yourself.

I do not believe you. I think it is quite clear your only interests lie for your group. Only time you think something is reasonable is if it is painting liberals in a bad light.

So then because you and people you know did not get it that means it is a myth? You do realize whites had the right to vote before blacks correct? You realize life exists outside your personal experience right? Or are you that dense? I never experienced a school shooting, the Holocaust does that mean it did not occur because I did not experience it?


1. Dumbass. HE implied nothing. Address his clearly stated reason or shut the fuck up.

2. That is your self serving assumtion because you are an asshole.

3. That other people were deprived, did not benefit white people. Right now, for example, the people of say... Cuba are deprived the right to vote. That is not benefiting me in any way. White privilege is something anti-white racists say, to jusitfy their anti-white racism.


So you contradicted yourself. Funny how that works huh?

My assumptions serve me well. You do it also. Since you are free to do it I can as well.

How did it not when it was specifically illegal for black people to vote? How about how white people got to sit in front of the bus? I seriously can't believe you are arguing this. It honestly is embarrassing. So Rosa Parks felt here privileges were the same? Why did her making a stand make history?


1.You fucking dumbass. You misunderstood me.

2. I do it right, you are a retard.

3. Because it doesn't help me that other people are deprived. That is no benefit to me. Are you retarded?


No you contradicted yourself.

Nope I do it right also by that logic then.

So because it did not benefit you that means it does not exist period? Nope not how it works. If you existed before Rosa Parks you would have been able to sit in the front of the bus. You going to deny that now?


1.You pathetic dumbass.

2. You call that logic? LOL. Dumbass.

3. Privilege requires direct benefit you fucking moron.


Lol nice.

Careful you are attacking your own logic.

To which you would benefit from if you existed before Rosa Parks did. Which showcases white privilege existed. This is like stating men did not have privilege over women for a certain period of time. Only an idiot like you thinks that. Also the dictionary definition says this let me help you out.

an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or because they are rich:


1 You are using stupidity to avoid addressing what he actually said. Typical lib troll boi.

2. NOpe. Your logic is diffrent and deeply flawed. Idiot.

3. HOw does other people not voting benefit me?


Lol no you contradicted yourself.

Nope it is the same as yours.

Um because if other people can't vote for their interests it keeps people such as yourself in control. That is how. Are you a moron? If people can't vote how can they get policies that benefit them implemented?


Nope. you are such a retard that you misunderstood. Now you are such as prick you are stonewalling on this. YOu are a fag.


People like me in control? YOu really think my ancestors, toiling in the coal mines were "in control" and served by the white men in teh white house? That is not credible. Even you are not stupid enough to beleive that. I mean, you are a retarded fag, but not that retarded.




You denied white privilege entirely. So is it you haven't experienced white privilege or it didn't exist period?


Nope. And nope.

Why are you pretending that I did not address your historical example?

Cowardly gaslighting pussy.


Yep and yep.

Because you said it's a myth. That's you saying it never happened. You backpedaling now?


OK. So, now we have reached the point of the discussion where you have blocked all avenues of discussion with various troll boi games.

Good bye fag.


Translation you have no retort. It's your right to be wrong. Your concession is noted.


Dude. Rock said some racist shit and your defense of him has bogged down mostly to you playing retarded.

So, you are full of shit.


Since you will defend your camp I am defending mine. Also so a joke that's racist is unacceptable? Okay that means no one is exempt right?


Oh, ,so you admit you were just shit talking?

What a troll you are.


Nope I am covering for a base like you do. I'm also pointinig out your hypocrisy.


So, that's a yes. You were talking shit. YOu were lying.

Do you want to address what Scott Adams actually said now, are you done playing retarded?

Or just conceed that you failed to back up your shit? What point were you even trying to make talking about Adams before you went full retard?


Nope like I said I was also showcasing your hypocrisy.

Do you want to own up about white privilege being a myth first?

He said racist comments. Period.


Except your supporting of that was nothing but shit talk.

So, either address what he actually said, dropping your retarded shit, or admit that you cannot.


No I think it's a simple joke. You need to lighten up. I don't get all bent out of shape over a race joke.


It was a simple joke. That was racist.

That you cant admit it, is you being a lying troll boi.


So then racist jokes aren't acceptable?


irrelevant twaddle. The complaint of the op is valid, and all your talk was just you trolling.


Nope. So then I guess according to you jokes about race can't be done by a comedian. You must be lots of fun at parties. You do realize how standup comedy works right?


What you just said was retarded.

Just because one joke is racist, doesn't mean that every joke that mentions race is racist.

THere was no sense to what you claimed. It was utterly stupid. You are stupid for saying it.


A racist joke can't be funny then?


You are talking shit. You want to defend what he said, DEFEND WHAT HE SAID.

Explain a reason why you think it was not racist. Or admit that you cannot.


I am by asking you a question. You can't answer because it opens you up to criticism. So then no racist joke can be funny then? Or by mocking something about races can't be funny? Is that off limits?


It was a retarded and off topic question.

I didn't answer becuase it's irrelevant to the topic.

I never anything about whether a racist joke could also be funny. asking about that was retarded and off topic.

DEFEND what he said or admit you cannot.


Nope it was totally relevant. Why is it you are losing it on him for a racist joke when comedians do that all the time? What makes him different?


Why are you exaggerating my position instead of defending what he said?

Is it because you know I'm right but you are too much of a faggot to admit it so you try troll boi gamies to distract.

Note the lack of a qeustion mark. We both know why, troll boi.


I am not exaggerating your position. I am calling it out for what it is. The only reason you care about a racist joke is because it is aimed toward white people. Show me a time on here you were enraged about someone saying a racist joke towards black people.

Racist jokes have been around forever. This is not new. You are the one who can't lighten up and take a joke. Yet you call liberals snowflakes? Pot meet kettle.


Sure you are. I'm not losing it. That is just you talking some more shit. Like you admitted you have been doing, to protect one of your own.


Nope I'm not. You do the same in order to protect your own. Since that's how it works I will do it to you. After all it's us vs them. I protect my side from people like you.


Nope. I said that I would not join you in cancelling my side. You ASSUMED, that I would do that the same way you do, ie by talking shit.

You are a shit talking troll boi.


Nope I am not into cancel culture. Which is why I do not get upset about a racist joke. That is you buddy.


I said, I would not join you in attacking people on my side, and you ASSUMED that meant shit talk. So, to demonstrate you were a shit talking ass, for quite some time. And you insisted that proved something.

What a troll boi you are.


What that translates into is I will let my side get away with evil but it is not okay for your side. Nice logic there champ. I attack anyone who is in the wrong not just my opposition. WHich shows I have more integrity than you ever will.


If you were serious about that, you would deal with the MASSIVE use of double standards by your side.

AND my point stands. You ASSUMED shit talk and then ran with it, for a stupid amount of time. You are a troll boi.


Lol untrue. I defended Kyle Rittenhouse, denounced looting and rioting, and I called Biden a trash president. You would never do this on your end. It shows I have higher standards than you.

Nope your point does not stand. My point stands you are a hypocrite.


Not the point. But you know that.


Completely the point. You would never call out the things I do on your side. How about your idol Crowder getting exposed? What will be your excuse when Owens gets exposed next?


No excuses. Just get back to me when you impeach Bill Clinton.


As soon as you get back to me about impeaching Trump. How do I have that kind of power? Are you stupid?


What you said makes no sense.


No retort as expected.


no, I only came across it 5 years later. Simple logic is a tough path for you liberals to follow, it would seem.


Yeah sure... I am the one having problems with logic...


Yes, that is correct. Someone replying to something much later than it was posted obviously doesn't equate to them having been exposed to it for that length of time, and only a complete fucking moron would draw that conclusion, so thank you for agreeing with me.


Sure... keep thinking that if it makes you happy:-)


Agreed. You brought up something I asked OP for. He never did.
