
That’s a powerful trailer!


Official: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_QksSzK7sI


Thanks. I should have added that, but really I was stunned by it. Thanks for adding the link.


I like how cooper is right at the end of the trailer


I hope it's as good as Gran Torino, in fact I hope it's a masterpiece. Not a single film nowadays has that wow factor, but this one does. Clint's a real man, back when men were made of steel, so there shouldn't be any "straight white men are toxic" far left propaganda here. Therefore it won't be winning many awards, if any at all, but that won't matter.

I scarcely use the word 'legend' but Clint Eastwood is a legend and then some.


After Clint's speech at the GOP Convention where he compared Obama to an empty chair, I think he can kiss any hopes of awards goodbye. Sad, but that's Hollywood.


I just saw a 30 second ad for this, but that’s all that I needed. My Goodness, can the man act and direct. Destinata, it IS powerful. Platypus, I share your hope (belief?) that it is a masterpiece. In fact, I’m going to take it a notch farther, if that’s okay. Strictly speaking, a masterpiece is a work of art whereby an apprentice shows her/his teacher that s/he has mastered the craft and can now aspire to create art. Clint did that long ago. I hope that he gives us something that is TRANSCENDENT with this, because I’ve a hunch that it is his swansong. The awards that matter are the awards that we give with our hearts. They aren’t loving cups or statuettes. There has never been a star who was more loved, enjoyed and respected by the audience than Clint Eastwood. I have four favorite artists: William Blake, Jimi Hendrix, Clint Eastwood and Eva Cassidy. You might say that constitutes one poet, one actor/director and two musicians; but, if you consider that poetry must be music to BE poetry, and, if you consider Clint’s love of and talent for music (Honkey-Tonk Man, Bird), then they are ALL musicians and, hey presto!, we are back at the conclusion that Music is the Queen of the Arts, just as Mathematics is Queen of the Sciences. Thank you both for your posts, Destinata and Platypus. It is a real pleasure to share Clint with you. Yes, he is a legend.

We need to have legends.


Amen! And, yes, sadly, he's out of the running for any awards. They always like to release the Oscar hopefuls at the end of the year so the short-attention-span voters can have the best ones in mind when they vote. Clint knows Hollywood, but this looks like it could be great. I also hope it is.

And he's acting older than his age, here. This may not be his swan song. Only time will tell.
