Nah - it's a shitty revenge on innocents. She should have gotten revenge on peeps that did her wrong, not on their children.
It's like me going to germany or japan and killing everyone because their ancestors did a crapload of bad things during ww2.
In other words, it was extreme and overdone by a mountain.
What is true, however, is that there are plenty of peeps out there with major mental issues, and if you cross them - you might not like the outcome when they go berserk and go on a shooting rampage killing you and everyone else in school, which is such a common theme in the US.
In other words, treat others the way you want to be treated (unless.... they fuck you over, in which case it's game on) - that should always apply in all situations.
Otherwise - I must admit, kids.... are vile creatures. I've seen plenty of bullying in school - and it very seldom happens with grownups in such a manner.
Then again, if you take the time to ponder about the grown up world - you'll come to realize that sexism, racism and discrimination are in essence bullying of the same sort on global scale. Furthermor... in the grownup world, we go to war and slaughter people by millions for no reason.... so it's obvious that the grown up world is pretty fucked up just as well. Really - human beings are not evolving particularly well, when you think about it.