Britney's dad doesn't get a "dumb" pass... (Spoilers)
So in reading around here, I think we all agree Kayla's parents made some really mind numbing stupid things. Here are some things I can think of:
* If you're going to lie about your daughter being in the hospital, maybe tell your daughter that, so she's in on it. The first instance of Britney's dad talking with the mom had me thinking... Kayla's about to go..."Mom!" and the whole lie will be spoiled. But she didn't do that, so they got off. The 2nd time was when Kayla's dad met Britney's dad for the first time, and sh*t hits the fan. I know Britney's dad shows up unexpectedly, but that's why you need to tell everyone your lie, so everyone can be in on it.
* Kayla's dad keeping Britney's purse and phone. LOL!
* The planting of the cell phone at Britney's dad's house. This is so comical. Like two teenagers running around oblivious that it's 2021, and most likely several homes have you on their surveillance. I mean it looks like a wealthy or at least upper middle class neighborhood. They just strolling in planting phones without a thought about surveillance cams. LOL!
* Britney's dad.. he turns off lights of his house, then moves like a ninja to sneak up on Kayla's mom? LOL!
* Why in the hell would you run over Britney's dad?????? Lets double down? What is the thinking here?
* Lastly, and the reason why I say Britney's dad doesn't get a pass... What the hell are you doing walking in front of a speeding car? It's coming your way, you have plenty of time. This contrived stupidity and death is needed for the movie's twist ending. The whole planting of the phone thing which leads to his death is contrived. The characters Ignoring and not taking into account surveillance cameras was contrived to begin with. LOL!