Like The Good Place without the cringiness
I thought this was pretty good.
shareYeah, agree. More than just cringiness, I think TGP set itself limitations that really worked against it in the long run - like no swearing, for example (what the fork really wore off on me, fast). Upload didn't do that - there are sex scenes and swearing, but it never borders on HBO, either. As a result, it's a better show overall.
shareIt was very good.
shareGranted, I haven't watched all of TGP yet but I definitely found it much easier to get into this show as opposed to that one. I think on the whole Upload just has a much stronger sense of its worldbuilding actually having been well and truly thought through, whereas in The Good Place, there's a lot that feels very inconsistent and like the writers suddenly thought up a concept or twist halfway through writing an episode and just decided to stick it in without making sure it actually made sense. Having said that, I do enjoy them both and I actually don't think the shows are nearly as similar even in regards to the overall themes as people make them out to be (apart from the fact that they both deal with the afterlife).
shareI agree the shows don't really have similar themes. I agree with what you say re The Good Place but if I can remember any of my thoughts I'll put them over on that board so as not to spoil anyone here.
shareYeah, I liked it. It doesn't drag on like many shows so far. Waiting for season 2.