Hi there. I've just posted my in-depth, scene by scene analysis of Hereditary, complete with explanations, screenshots, GIFs and questionable jokes. I'm only sharing it here because it took me 50+ hours to put it together, so if you have any open questions about the film, you may want to take a look, and if you know the film backwards and forwards, you may want to see what I've forgotten and lambaste me for it. ;-) https://123wtf.me/2018/10/18/wtf-hereditary-2018/
This was more entertaining than the movie itself. What I mean by that is I love Hereditary and this is STILL the best thing I've seen. Thanks for posting this.
Wow that movie makes so much sense after you walked me through it here. You should be proud of your abilities to dissect a movie so well. I even had to up my IMDB rating of it after your explanation. Your awesome synopsis does lead me to believe that having some background knowledge of the occult would help the average Joe follow the plot of Hereditary. Anyhow, thank you kindly!
PinbackWiggly it made me have more questions and made it apparent that things were happening just to look creepy even though it didn't make sense. Still a decent movie.
Thanks for the kind words. As for the jokes...what can I say? I did one post where I wrote a straight up analysis (of Star Wars 8, if memory serves) and my readers complained that there weren't any jokes. So, I totally get where you're coming from and I appreciate your wading through them to get to the heart of the post, but I'm afraid my readers have come to expect a certain style. It's probably because I make them feel like intellectuals when they read my write up ;-) . Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to read it and to leave a comment.
Hi, it took me almost a week to go through your work and I have to say it was a lot of fun to read. Good work. Some jokes are funny but there is way too many of them. I read your explanation but you must find a middleground and cut your puns of about 50%. Otherwise, great breakdown of a masterpiece.
Ha, you are such a little baby. You posted this here fishing for praise for analyzing a relatively basic movie in a sophomoric fashion. Your jokes are amazingly cringe-worthy, and that has been brought up by others here. Too bad ;-)
I love it when teenagers come on here to discuss cinema but their age shows through! As for my humour, it's been praised and criticised and I certainly can understand that people don't like it. What shows your age is not your distaste for me, my post or my synopsis (which, again, is completely justifiable), but the fashion in which you choose to express it.
"Thanks for the synopsis but you are very unfunny."
Oh yup, the way I expressed that just SCREAMS teenager. And teenagers are known for jumping to the defense of the elderly when immature jokes are made at their expense. Bro, if that had been me naked in the film, it wouldn't make my comment any less valid. I was noting to myself how typical older bodies were being utilized as an element of horror, as opposed to the 'perfect' model bodies we are used to seeing in Hollywood, just as it was done in the The Shinning, which I think is a similar movie. Your degrading 'joke' was typical, but still pathetic.
Omg, are you not a teenager!? Lol, you have bigger problems than my sense of humour! For notes on how people can have constructive disagreement on social media, please see the others you mentioned above who disparaged my jokes in a mature and polite manner.
As you are obviously the type of person who needs to have the last word, I shall be the bigger man and give that to you. I shan't be responding after this comment because 1) I've already demonstrated I'm not susceptible to your type of bullying and 2) I've had enough experience with trolls to know you feed on these types of arguments and I'm certainly not one to feed the trolls.
Cognitive dissonance at its finest. Why not just admit that the joke was not only unfunny, but was an example of body shaming? You won't even make an attempt to argue your way out of that because you know it's wrong. Do you have a family of fitness freaks or else I'm sure you have parents or grandparents with similar figures. I used your article to explain some things that my relatives missed and were criticizing the movie over, thanks!