This show is pro Trump

They make president Reagan look like a saint. And they endorse Space Force.


Did you miss the parts that described how the fictional Reagan administration militarized the USA's presence on the moon which then lead to increased tensions that were only resolved by the independent actions of astronauts Baldwin and Poole?

He also allowed the coverup of the attempted production of weapons grade plutonium at Jamestown.

This frames him as the same kind of incompetent person he was during the Iran-Contra Affair.

How does this reflect on Trump at all? Trump is in no way a Reagan or Eisenhower style Republican.

reply are pro Stalin.


No. Where is that coming from? All I was saying is that the show does have negative things to say about Reagan. The show is not pro-Reagan or pro-Trump.


That was a typical Repubican off-the-wall reply.


Trump is awesome!


He'd really be awesome in prison.


I don't think so, Reagan himself was mocked by Molly Cobb (season 2 IIRC). Also the entire show is based on gender equality boosting from the very beginning of the alternate history.

Last, but not least, they made Ellen Wilson a republican, when she should be obviously a democrat. Also they made her a lesbian, which most if not all reps would find insulting.


I don't think it is pro-Trump, I think they were trying to not be seen as "Liberal Hollywood", and by the way Gore beats out Bush, which is a nice touch and would have saved the world a lot of misery had it happened in reality.
