Wernher von Braun's Ambush (s1e2)
Hi there,
I just recently started watching "For All Mankind", and I kind of got the feeling that whoever wrote the second episode doesn't seem to know a whole heck of a lot about Nazi Germani. Plus, they made Wernher von Braun into a regular wimp during the congressional meeting.
I would have liked to have seen some stronger dialog from van Braun during his interrogation. Perhaps something more like this:
"Mr. Sandman, you do not seem to understand that we are talking about Nazi Germany here."
"Yes, I knew the conditions for the people working on the V-2 rocket."
"And yes I did whatever insignificant measures I could to make things better for them."
"But the people working on the V-2 rocket were Jews from the concentration camps."
Do you know what would have happened to me if I had protested too much about the conditions at the plant? Hmm?
"They would have killed me. I would have been labeled a 'Jewish Sympathizer' and they would have killed me. And not in a pleasant manner, either."
"Do you understand that, Mr. Sandman? That my hands were tied?" Do you understand that, if I had tried any harder to stop the suffering, we would NOT be having this pleasant conversation right now?"
What do you people think? Please let me know in your responses.
Thanks so much,
Yosen B. Mamma