Trailer is out for Korean War aviation drama.
I know that's the same title for the book this is based off from, but that's a lame title. Sounds like a Nick Sparks novel.
I know that's the same title for the book this is based off from, but that's a lame title. Sounds like a Nick Sparks novel.
It is a book by Adam Makos and is a good read. Hopefully the film does the book justice. But so far it is only getting average reviews.
Is it? I saw an 83% on RT.
Metascore 60:
shareThat's not a movie though
shareIt would be cool to do a movie on some of the astronauts who fought in the Korean war -- John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, etc. We never hear much about that side of them. And John Glenn's wingman was Ted Williams -- the legendary baseball player who broke all the gunnery records at flight school and whom Glenn called one of the best pilots he ever knew.