MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > "Superfan" panel amazon put together for...

"Superfan" panel amazon put together for the show didn't know basic crucial lore.

I didn't expect them to be Samarilion experts. but the video showing how excited these 3 diehard "superfans" saying they couldn't wait to find out "why Sauron made the ring"...

Its explained in the first 5 minute intro exposition dump in Fellowship.. Its like claiming to be a die hard Harry Potter fan and having read all the books, and WB release a prequel and say "I can't wait to find out how Harry got his scar"

Fans can smell insincerity and this stunk. The show was unwatchable WITH GUY-LADRIEL


That's old. People also discovered one of the supposed super fans never even mentioned the show on her social media after it released.


is that the same one who admitted they never watched it but was watching game of thrones instead?


