Elvin armor

Wow, Elvin technology must have really improved from the setting of this show and the time of LotR. In LotR the elves are superior craftsmen, in this show their armor looks like spray painted cardboard.


Their armor looks better than your english skills.




American English is also correct English. English is capitalized when it is a noun, not an adjective.


Relax it's only banter.
edit: well I guess mitzibishi was correct about you being American then lol


14 years old. Bumblefuc middle America.

Bets are on lmao


You guys both have japanese sounding usernames that begin with m, both follow me around like lost puppies. and both sound immature. Are you socks?


Yes because god forbid 2 different people think you're a retard lmao


I didn't spend a billion dollars on my English skills


Thank god for that.

Watch Miyagido chime in and point out that I didn't capitalize god.

Sorry, I mean capitalise.


Aw looks like I made you upset I do apologise.


When you have no arguments comment about grammar. Makes you looks smart and superior!!! /s


The dude spelled elven wrong twice. That is not grammar. What is to argue with? The armor doesn't look good? Looks fine to me.


And on an international forum everyone HAS to speak perfect English, right???

The armor looks paper thin. Like cardboard painter, but even cardboard would had been thicker.


It's not really about speaking perfect English, it's about making pointless trolling posts.


It's not trolling to complain about poor quality like this.


This is a discussion board, people discuss things, no-one said it always has to be positive.


The series looks great, and you are posting a zoomed in freeze frame of some extra's armor, lol.


The cgi looks amazing I can agree with that. This armour look absolute shite. It's a good thing your standards are so low as you can continue enjoying the show, other people will be put off by this. I challenge you to find me anything from the PJ movies that looks that bad. This is the most expensive TV show ever.
I get it, you take it personally because people don't like something you like, but it's not personal. People are allowed to like and dislike different things, that's ok,


Yeah, my standards are so low that I don't freeze every frame and zoom in on someone's armor to see if it looks real or not.


I didn't take the picture I just searched for it after the other guy mentioned it. Holy shit you're so booty blasted over this aren't you? Get some thicker skin ffs.


this is what it actually looks like. It's clearly not printed on, because you can't print on lighting effects. Most likely CGI. No one is going to notice this in real time watching the scene, so does it matter?



Yeah it still looks like cloth. It's a nitpick I know. I don't care, deal with it.


That's not even the worst. Go back and look at the armor from when they are on the ship headed back across the ocean. That armor could not win third place at a regional cosplay.


They weren't wearing any armor on the ship.


It's a single random scene before the boat leaves, where they all touch their swords together, really bad cgi so much so that it is unforgivable and everyone fhould have notice it

It isn't a freeze frame thing it is so bad that the armor has no shine to it and looks horrible


Are we watching the same show?? When the boat reaches their lands and they remove the golden "armor".

Ah, wait, was that sarcasm? I guess you're right, there is no way that was ... armor.


There was one literally 2 second long scene of them on the boat wearing armor, which I hadn't recalled. Later when we see them on the boat and are going into the light, they are wearing robes, which is the scene I remembered. Crazy that I wouldn't remember a 2 second scene in an hour long episode, I know. And the armor wasn't golden, it was silver.


It wasn't just 2 seconds, they insisted on the group in armor AND in removing their armors.

"Crazy that I wouldn't remember a 2 second scene in an hour long episode, I know. And the armor wasn't golden, it was silver."

Holly shit man, can you hear your self????


You are right, it may have been 3 seconds.


My point was quite different. You get defensive about not remembering the scene and then you counter attack saying the the armor was silver, not gold.

Aren't you something? :P

Maybe it was the morning sun but the armors definitely had golden reflections.


I "get defensive" and "counter attack", lol. You are projecting.

I pointed out that the armor was not gold, because you were apparently amazed that I couldn't remember every detail of every 2 second scene in the same breath that you described the armor as gold.


I wasn't amazed by that, it would had been ok if you would have said "I don't remember them wearing armor on the boat".

You were like "they DID NOT WEAR armor on the boat". And as I said: the armor DOES have gold reflections. Don't make me take a screenshot :P



It looks like ceromonial armour, as it is completely to different to the armor Galadriel wears in battle. So you are complaining that ceremonial armor made up for a fantasy world that elves wear when they are going to the undying lands looks unrealistic. I don't know what such a thing should look like, so I can't comment. It doesn't look realistic, but it looks kind of beautiful i would say.




I already spelled it this way in the post you are correcting.


And you spelled it the wrong way too little guy.


I typed one wrong letter in a paragraph with 100 words, you got me. I probably missed a capital letter somewhere too, did you make sure to check?


Do you remember how you entered this very thread? Get fucked you little hypocrite. Add another fucking L.


I mean, making a typo is not the same thing as spelling a word (that most 5 year olds could probably spell) wrongly twice in the same post, and once in the title of the thread. I am not a stickler for grammar, but I try not to sound retarded when I write.
It was actually supposed to be a pointless nitpick that reflected the content of the OP, but I see you are quite obsessed now and will hold onto this forever.


OMG I posted a comment and you posted a comment underneath it, are you like stalking me? That's totally harassment #MeToo


I posted a substantive comment about the TV series that this is supposed to be a subforum for, to which you made a pointless reply referencing a casual comment I made in response to this (troll) thread some days ago.

Have you made any comment in this thread actually discussing Rings of Power? Or are they all about me?

I think you know the answer.


Well that's because I first made a teasing comment to you, then literally told you I was just teasing, and then you continued to be a snippy little bitch anyway. So now you reap the whirlwind, sorry I'm a force of nature it's out of my control now. Maybe next time don't jump into a thread attacking people over a "misspelled" made up word (which I've seen spelled "elven""elfin""elvin""elvan" in many different fantasy novels) while displaying atrocious grammar yourself?


I did, I wrote "i" instead of "I". You totally missed that one Miyagido, you gotta keep on your game.


I'm not the unironic grammar nazi kid, I'm showing you your hypocrisy. Please keep up.


Btw, and that was an important moment full of symbolism, removing the armor and weapons before entering their blessed peaceful lands. How could you NOT remember that???

I'm not sure about ceremonial either.


It's fascinating how you pore over every detail of a series you apparently don't like.


*Pore over


Thanks, I corrected it.


You're welcome, glad to be of service.


You took that in good humour so I'd like to extend to you an olive branch. Let's stop all this fussing and feuding, what do you say? Truce?




Great. I apologise for calling you a retard before, I didn't mean it I was just trying to get a rise out of you. No hard feelings. I honestly hope you get lots of enjoyment from the show and I hope you don't let other people shittalking it detract from your entertainment.


Thanks. No worries, if people shittaking detracted from my enjoyment of a show, I wouldn't use this site, since that is about 90% of the posts regardless of what the movie or series is.


All good, glad we turned this around into a positive interaction. Cya around.


It's fascinating that you defend a series that you don't even watch or pay attention to while watching.

And that's why I don't like it, because I'm paying attention to what the fuck is happening on the screen, while you are defending it although you miss the details ...

Probably that's why you like it ...


You didn't like it before you watched it. Be honest with everyone.


That means nothing.

Yes, If I see a shit on the street I know without eating it that I will NOT like it. I don't know how that comes as a surprise for you.

But sometime it might just look like a shit and I will change my mind about it. Like HotD.

This looks like a shit and IT IS a shit. Period.


See you proved my point. Which is why you are not credible. Movies are different from what you described. I also know anything you don't agree with politically immediately gets labeled as bad. You proved this with the Batman lol. You need to grow up.


You're dumb my man.

Show me where I said, after I watched HotD that it's bad.

And I still don't agree with the politics and the woke side of HotD.

But at least is not BAD.


I don't care what your political beliefs are you are not a credible source. You have trash taste in cinema.


Just how many Ls do you actually plan to take on this site?


See my post above.


Dude you've been wrong so many times it's crazy. Don't worry though no-one is taking your mediocre show away from you lol.


What have I been wrong about?


Just take your Ls and leave, troll. You only came into this thread to get snippy with the people who are criticising the show, because you are thin skinned and have a fragile ego I presume. You've given me no other reason to think otherwise based on our interactions so stop being a little bitch ok?


Yeah, it's paper thin.

But at the same time SO STRONG. Have you noticed how thin that helmet was? And how ALL the helmets in that pile were basically as thin but PERFECT, not a dent. Although those were supposed to be the helmets of dead warrior, dead in battle nevertheless.

So obviously the tech is perfect. 1 billion $ worth of copy paste tech ..


Have you seen the closeups of Numenorean armor, it's literally scale male printed on cloth. The largest budget in TV history and they didn't even pay for real armor.


Seriously? OK I'm looking for a picture right now, that's hilarious!


the Armour is wicked bad cgi I do not understand why it is so bad compared to everything else, but it i very bad maybe hthey want us to get used to bad cgi so when they have large armies the decline in quality is not so noticable


That late Medieval plate armor their wear in the show makes no sense. Elves have no heavy cavalry.


That depends on which scene because the armour worn by Gal and her fellow Elf rangers has to be light based on their mobile lifestyle. They're not an infantry like the scene showing her brother amongst the orcs.
