Is this as boring as LOTR

The LOTR movies were terribly boring. Will this be as bad?


So you assume this board is populated by psychics who can devine what direction the show will take? Or, more likely, merely asking a snotty question to be a prick?

An itty, bitty, in-fucking-consequential baby mosquito prick.


Whoa settle down little fella. Didn’t realize this was your identity. No need to lose your cool over a question. Step away from the computer you nerd. No need to get so upset hahahaha



R-Kane's reply says WAY more about him/her than it does you, lol.

Sounds like a typical keyboard warrior who hasn't touched grass in a long time and has no social interaction outside of this board. Don't pay it any mind.



Congratulations! You are the billionth person on the Internet to hide behind your Internet anonymity and be a massive prick to someone on the Internet just because you can. You win...absolutely nothing.

Newsflash: You're absolutely nothing special.

Oh well. Enjoy the Internet anonymity, though. It's not like your species has a clue about being civil, anyway.


They do have 6 second snapchat versions of LOTR movies if that is more your speed. Non-stop excitement in that format!


RoP will be stupid and bullshit as hell, yet this crappy show is bringing all the trolls like chriscon1981 out from under all the bridges.


Sorry. Didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to dislike something. Not everyone who doesn’t share your opinion is a troll, stupid. Settle down sport


Don't mess with a midget juggling farts.



I agree with this. LOTR is immensely boring, and I just cannot fathom the fandom.


The films are massively overrated I agree. I don't think the books really lend themselves to film or television adaptation. Much better just to read them.


I've only seen the first episode and it's much worse.


Did you watch the theatrical or director's cut version?

I found the last two very boring when I watched them in the theater because they focused on "action" instead of story and characters. Director's cut is longer, but has more substance so I enjoyed them.

Some of the critics are saying this show is boring so you may really hate it.


No, but it is as boring as your mammy!
