How woke do you think this will be?
I have heard that not all of the fictional magical creatures and denizens of Middle Earth will be white skinned? And some will be women?
Political correctness gone mad.
I have heard that not all of the fictional magical creatures and denizens of Middle Earth will be white skinned? And some will be women?
Political correctness gone mad.
That's some piss-poor baiting right there..
shareWho cares? If someone uses the word “woke” in their vocabulary, then I feel sorry for them. They must have a very bitter life.
shareLet's see, based on what we've already seen, my predictions include:
- Galadriel leading an all-female army of bitchy lesbian elves
- Galadriel sucking face with a girlfriend nobody ever heard of, despite being married to Celeborn
- Hobbit men acting stupid while their women keep them on a tight leash
- mean white humans throwing rocks at the black elves to make them not enter town
- the white female human being "wiser and more intelligent" than the people in her town, and pleasuring herself while she longs for her forbidden male elf lover (doomed romance, definitely)
- the black female dwarf ruling over all the other "stupid white" dwarves and demanding respect because she thinks she's entitled to it, while surrounded by a cloud of black female dwarves with attitude
- Sauron having an entire harem of young, androgenous teen males to screw, with one of them trying to "change" him for the better in a doomed romance
- Sauron possibly being female
- a female Gandalf
- a constant, annoying, boring sub-plot of the two idiots with the giant deer antlers
- bad CGI
- cheap-looking costumes
- Galadriel having to lecture Elrond on not being a stupid little playboy
- shitty scripts that not even a child would be stupid enough to write
Based on other movies that failed owing to blatant wokeness, I predict:
-Closeted homosexuality, but only between male characters
-At least 1 female character to experience her first period
-Love interest between 1 white male character and 1 black female character
-A male racist/sexist/speciesist/anything-ist character will either be killed or defect to becoming LGBTQWTF+ probably by a spell cast on him from a woke character.
I am surprised they gave someone else's role to Galadriel. That's big.
shareI'm thinking Last Jedi levels.