I bet one of the elves will be...


Mark my words. They always got to have one of them in a show now. It's shifted from token black to token LGBTQ+. They make up 5.6% of the US population now and growing. Hermaphrodites/Androgynous society here we come.


That's about one LGBTQ+ elf with every 18 elves. Not unfair to have them represented. And to be fair; I'd fuck just about anything would I live for thousands of years so it's more likely that the percentage with elves is even higher.


Being immortal makes you gay?


At least bicurious. Thousands of years, dude...


But why does every show need to have an accurate representation of the real world american society?
Can't we have a show with 10 white straight people, or a show with 10 black people?
Because the show with 10 white straight people is basically impossible nowadays.


I'm progressive, I applaud diversity in films & TV series when it's organic to the story ... and I also agree that such changes made to Tolkien's work is wrong. It completely disregard's Tolkien's vision, which was a deeply personal one, a myth of meaning so powerful that he devoted his whole life to shaping it. He drew on his own lifelong love story with his wife, so much so that their gravestones bear the names Beren & Luthien. He drew on his devout Catholicism, as well as his depth of knowledge & scholarship, to imbue his work with its spiritual heart & soul. And like all such life-spanning artistic creations, it's very much an autobiographical one, expressing the whole being of its creator.

There are plenty of fine fantasy novels today that do have diverse characters & approaches, and I'd love to see some of them filmed. But just as I'd want their vision to be respected & treated thoughtfully, I want Tolkien's vision to be equally respected & treated thoughtfully. Sadly, I don't expect to see that in this upcoming series.


The problem is, sexuality has literally nothing to do with the story of Lord of the Rings. Why include it?


It's an interpretation translated to a different world than his.


Then why name it The Lord of the Rings?


Different 'ring'.


Most of us are B so I'd say LGBTQ+ is more than 50% of population.


Is that based on prison statistics or something?


The concept of loving someone only because of what they have between their legs is sick. So no, it's based on common sense.


Good distinction between love and sexual attraction.


So you mean you heteros don't want to have sex with people you love? 🙄


Because an LGBTQ+1000 writer would see the title 'Lord of the Rings' and think of something completely different, if you know what I mean.


Remember how much sam was amazed about how gay the elves were.
