MovieChat Forums > Sound of Freedom (2023) Discussion > How the hell can any one be against this...

How the hell can any one be against this content?

It seems very insane to oppose this films message and content. Just insane. Yet there's a dude making a couple hate threads. My god.
When was I teleported to CrazyEarth multiverse???


We've always known what they stood for. Now we know who they are.


I hear you man. It IS insane. I've never seen anything like it during a lifelong love of movies.
I remember this movie some years back which touches the subject somewhat but quickly receded into obscurity.


Probably because it was a bore fest.

Signed, million man.


Just saw it. There’s nothing political in it. There’s no references to American politics, Epstein island, Maga country.

And yet the entire Democrat party/media and thus their lemmings are triggered by it.

So let’s be honest why Democrats are triggered…

It has the word “Freedom” in the title.
Mel Gibson was involved.
It starred a masculine white man.
And the most offense item of all to the Democrats, it serves to protect children.

Any questions?


You are absolutely correct!



"You are absolutely correct!"

he is 100% wrong .

as any non insane person could see


if someone is already on the insane side (apperently leftist democratic pedo side), one will not be able to determine who is really wrong here.

Your case in point.

Did you know that child sex slavery is actually wrong? Incase you didn't know that, I, and most others here, are telling you now. So you know.


yes i knew that

i meant that none of these 4 reasons dems are triggred are "absolutely correct!"

It has the word “Freedom” in the title.
Mel Gibson was involved.
It starred a masculine white man.
And the most offense item of all to the Democrats, it serves to protect children.

why would amyone be "triggered" by those 4 reasons ?


Because they're Democrats.


Because they have an ultra far-left progressive agenda. It’s as simple as that.



Minimal action.

He teams up with a local sonofabitch that some damn fool accused of being the best.

The peak of the breakout scene is when he throws his survival knife and sticks a guy to a tree and he says “stick around”.

As the young girl tries to escape he yells: “run! Gooooo! Get to the choppa!” It’s awesome.


[–] Gd5150 (10293) 4 months ago
Just saw it. There’s nothing political in it. There’s no references to American politics, Epstein island, Maga country.

And yet the entire Democrat party/media and thus their lemmings are triggered by it.

So let’s be honest why Democrats are triggered…

It has the word “Freedom” in the title.
Mel Gibson was involved.
It starred a masculine white man.
And the most offense item of all to the Democrats, it serves to protect children.

Any questions?

Nope.. I think you pretty much covered it, not to mention, had the Left made a movie like this, they would've been beating their chests over it and it's true


Agree. Yes, it's an ugly topic, but it must be acknowledged and spoken about. There needs to be more awareness to it. We can't bury our heads in the sand any longer. At this point it's about protecting the most vulnerable of our society. It's strange to me that people want to cancel speech about it rather than be pro active in the cause. At least acknowledge it and realize we can do our part to fight and prevent such atrocities as human trafficking and child s***** a****. The ones that snub their noses at this movie, either want to remain in denial bcz the subject is too unpleasant or are okay with this evil for whatever reason. Anyone who turns a blind eye is part of the problem as well. Human traffic scouts are emboldened bcz there is a market and lots of money involved. Honestly, that's one of the scary things to me. People that have enough money, can do and buy just about anything they want. Money buys silence as well. The first step is bringing awareness. Those evil people don't want you to know what's going on in the darkest parts of society. They want you to go about your business and pretend that this is not a real problem. Heaven forbid we talk about it! Oh no! This needs to be talked about!


I completely agree! The movie wasn't political whatsoever, and the issue itself isn't either.

I also don't understand how anyone can have anything negative to say about the movie or its content or message. There was no glorification of pedophilia, or of trafficking, and there was nothing explicit or exploitative. It was as wholesome as I think it could've been, given the subject matter. And it highlighted the importance of the problem and showed that we can all work to fight trafficking if we can first acknowledge that it's a very serious reality everywhere.



Yes, "Taken" (2008) took similar material and made a very entertaining flick. This one isn't entertaining in that way, but that's because it's based on a real-life story. So, anyone who wants the topic conveyed from an action hero approach will probably not appreciate it. However, those who appreciate realistic and informative crime dramas with a little jungle action thrown in, will probably value it.

In short, "Taken" is great for entertainment while "Sound of Freedom" works as a mundane-but-shocking true-life story. There's a place in cinema for both types of films. "Taken" is very rewatchable whereas "Sound" isn't something I want to see again anytime soon (maybe in ten years, we'll see).


When he was saving the little girl from the jungle village, it felt like an action flick to me! I was all sorts of nervous for them lol

I thought it was a great mix of emotion, drama, suspense, and tension.


That part of the flick gave it a "Rambo" (2008) feel, which I appreciated.

The guy the story's based on (Caviezel's character) said he did not go into the jungle by himself to rescue a little girl nor did he kill a man to rescue her. However, he did lead a team of O.U.R. operators, undercover as doctors, into a jungle camp on the border of the Dominican Republic and Haiti to look for a kid or, at least, his body. They were not able to find him, but they did give medical care to myriad children.


If someone is watching a movie about child sex trafficking because they want to have fun and be entertained, I'd say they've got some issues to work out...


If someone is watching a movie about nazis and heads being melted by death rays from God to have fun and be entertained, they've got some issues to work out.

Lighten the fuck up.


You're right, clearly those are perfect parallels. /s


Wake up people, open your eyes to the message of this movie and the madness going on in the world. Not everything is a left vs. right issue, there are bigger things at stake.


What is the message? I'm curious. That child trafficking is real? We already knew that.

Signed, million man.


A lot of people don't know that. It's an issue that's been largely ignored. Yes, it's real, and not only that, it's running extremely rampant, making underground slavery worse than it ever was before, and more needs to be done to stop it. No one should be against that message. No one should have a problem of a story told against kidnapping children.

I'm also just trying to say that not every single topic has to be turned into some large political battle.


Yeah, so why is the left acting like it's a "conspiracy theory"??


I don't know. It's just seems like another dull movie to me.

Signed, million man.


Can you see the difference between "ah, it's a dull movie" or even "it's a bad movie" and "I hate this movie because it's against child trafficking"?


Yeah, sure can.

Signed, million man.


Oh JFC no one is defending child traffickers. Leaders of the organization represented in the film, which the hero has now left, have been accused of child molestation and human trafficking themselves.

The criticism is that much of the story was invented as a ploy to fund a scam and Ballard was complicit in that scam.

You guys are unwittingly making heroes out of pedos.

A variety of lurid stories he’s told about his and OUR’s improbably cinematic exploits have turned, on closer inspection, to not be accurate, and the organization was the subject of a protracted criminal investigation examining, among other things, whether OUR operators engaged in sexual acts with human trafficking victims; whether OUR operations had created demand for trafficking victims; and whether OUR has committed human trafficking itself by enticing people who were not previously traffickers with large sums of money.


You stopped the quote 1 sentence short.

That investigation ultimately closed without charges being brought

So they did an investigation, and found nothing, and that is good enough for you to label them pedophiles? There are no specifics listed, no names, just blanket statements with no evidence.


facts and truth are irrellevant to the internet :D


Due process is irrelevant to the internet. An accusation is enough for them to make up their mind and run with it. Especially if they are just looking to cancel something or someone.


exactly! I'm sone done with SOCIAL justice. REAL justice is the one that matters


And the accusations these people have made against the Clintons are based on evidence?

The Great (Fake) Child-Sex-Trafficking Epidemic

Sorry, this whole thing smells. It has a right wing political agenda.

This Tim Ballard guy is no hero, and he's probably a fraud.


That’s a strawman, and it has nothing to do with you labeling them as pedos with no evidence.

Actually it’s worse than that. You provided the link, and you deliberately left out context in order to paint them as pedos. Shame on you.

You guys are unwittingly making heroes out of pedos.


Bullshit. I didn't label them as pedos. I'm not part of this feud. Both sides are slinging mud. I'm telling you why most of us are saying "NO" to this garbage flick which sensationalizes child sex trafficking.


Bullshit. I didn't label them as pedos.

Yes you did, you said it outright.

You guys are unwittingly making heroes out of pedos.


Check out Gd5150's post below. He's an ardent supporter of the hero and his organization and they're partisan hacks who use child trafficking to further their agenda.

Again, we've said this a hundred times already on this board: THESE PEOPLE ARE QANON AND THEY PROMOTE SOME LAME THEORY ABOUT PEDOS AND SATAN WORSHIP.


Cut bait lemming. Stop Defending the Democrat media/party and their actions that promote the rape and murder of children. Or own it. There is no in between.

In 2014 the Democrat media/part celebrated Ballards accomplishments. They are no longer that party. Today they are the party of child rape and murder. You’re either for it or against it.


Dude he's quoting Vice for crying out loud. lol


we don't care about the people in the film, we care about the CONTENT of what they are doing.

where some see "wow, fucking children is bad, we should do something" others see "My god, THIS group is just grandstanding how THAT group is bad. its political. no one cares about any kids". Seriously, how fucked up is that?


You asked why people object to the content.

The problem is you're making a hero out of a man whose cronies don't have the best reps themselves. They've been accused of child trafficking. Supporters of this film have accused people like the Clinton's of being child traffickers.

So yeah, maybe neither this organization nor the Clintons are child traffickers.

Nah, too much mudslinging on both sides. This film as a right wing political agenda.


Better question: where is the list of clients of Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein?


Ballard worked with trafficked kids for many years and it was obvious it affected him deeply. It's no surprise he stepped back and is now letting others do the job he did for so many years as he now concentrates on other issues he feels are important. Personally, I never heard of this group or Ballard until I saw the film last week. I did some research and it's very hard to believe that this organization is anything but legitimate. Below are some links for you if you're interested, (not put out by OUR) including from U.S. local police departments and local news stations reporting, as well as from other groups they work with:

Ballard's testimony in the Senate:




Thank you. And that goes to my point.

Though everything in this movie may be the righteous truth, it's a fraud when it makes this organization out to be heroes.

They're not. They're QAnon wackos. And they've been accused of child trafficking themselves.

I've posted links to journalistic sources which expose them.

And they're using this film to raise money.

They're scam artists.


Dude, accused means nothing.

The movie has NOTHING to do with QAnon ... only in your mind.

And btw, if something that has a good message comes from someone that you don't agree with on other issues you will negate the good message? No need to answer, I know you do.

If trump would say "Nuclear war = bad" you idiots would say "Nuclear war is the best thing ever for humanity" and start it..


Dude, this movie is a fund raising ploy for a bunch of hacks who have never saved any child from human traffickers.

They go to a third world country. They talk to the local prostitutes and their pimps. Then they tell the pimps they want children for sex. So the pimps round up a bunch of street children and take them to "Operation Underground Railroad". Then they're busted.

So great. They get some pimps off the street. But they've endangered children in the process.

They're not infiltrating real child trafficking networks.

IT'S A SCAM. They want money to promote their bizarre conspiracy theories.


Lol, dude, do you have something palpable beside youtube and , hahaha, vice???

Like a conviction or something?

And show me in the movie where do they promote their bizare conspiracy theories ...


I showed you what they do. If you want to send them money so they can publish stories about Hillary Clinton drinking the blood of babies, then be my guest.

Again, Tim Ballard is a scam artist.


No, you didn't show anything, just some allegations from youtubers and partisan media.

Let me quote something from your artilcle:

"Ballard started to testify that the U.S. border with Mexico had to be sealed to decrease trafficking, a claim he used the story of “Liliana” to bolster. (Donald Trump went on to repeat some of Ballard’s claims.)"

So securing the border to decrease trafficking is bad idea since Ballard and Trump said so.

Can't you see how moronic is this statement???

And to make securing the border and lowering human trafficking a political problem??

You lefties are insane when you say stupid shit like this.


Bullshit. People who worked for them. But if you believe them, SEND MONEY!!!


What THAT has to do with the movie???


Because they're making a hero out of a man, Tim Ballard, who is not a hero and did zilch to stop human trafficking. I keep telling you, it's a politically-motivated scam.


Based on your words. Or on politically charged articles (again, VICE??? WTF?)

To me it sounds a lot better than your lies (politically motivated), even if you tie him to QAnon (I don't give a shit about Qanoan btw)


Angel Studios. [laugh]

Dude, it's a sting operation where they ask pimps for child prostitutes. They're creating the crimes. They're amateurs. They're not infiltrating the crime organizations responsible.

The Great (Fake) Child-Sex-Trafficking Epidemic

Dude, it's a fundraising scam.


"Angel Studios. [laugh]" - have no idea who the fuck are those but for sure are less biased than vice ... [laughs]

"Dude, it's a sting operation where they ask pimps for child prostitutes. They're creating the crimes. They're amateurs. They're not infiltrating the crime organizations responsible."

Dude, so every cop that does that undercover creates the crime, doesn't fight the crime.

Are you for real???

Yes, that's one way to catch them.

Since when a sting operation is NOT a valid way to catch criminals?

Is that the new directive from your political overlords???


These are amateurs who are creating a demand where none existed before.

Angel Studios. They're QAnon Christian wackos who think Hillary Clinton drinks blood. 🤣

It's a dog and pony show and no children are being rescued.


Democrats are part of the human trafficking ..


Vice is a bankrupt tabloid.


The Atlantic and Rolling Stone have published the same accounts of these grifters' antics.


Yes, I know you buy into left wing propaganda.


No, I don't read The Daily Worker anymore.


The only reason why the Left are objecting to it is because their media told them to. They are well trained to listen to their "experts", God forbid if they ever look into and think on their own about anything.
