

What's a "right wing but job"?

I bet it's eating you up that this movie is kicking Disney's ass right now. Lower budget and higher box office, suck on it libtard.


Lol Disney is for poor people trying to look rich.


What’s a “right wing nut job”?

It must really piss you off this film is popular. I think next week I’m going to use the money I would have spent on Dial of Destiny and instead go see Sound of Freedom and all the while you can’t do anything other than piss and moan about it like most libtard snowflakes do.


Do whatever you like. The US is in terminal decline with this polarization.
We watch and learn but it is not our fight.


The polarization is caused by the far left death cult, you cannot be civil with them, they have nothing resembling basic human decency.


Blame is not the solution.


Identifying the problem is the first step.


"The US is in terminal decline with this polarization."

And yet you start a threat that feeds that polarization.

Only the leftists are this dumb.


Right wing nuts: People that believe that child/sex trafficking exists and it should be stopped.

Left wing: people who fully realize that it's just pure business and certainly nothing anyone should ever be punished for - besides, minor attracted people have existed since the beginning of time - it's only natural.


Exactly, the left is on the side of pedophiles, rapists and child traffickers and anyone who disagrees with any of those is a “right wing nut”. “Minor attracted person”, WTF, why are we respecting the feelings of people who molest children?


The tolerant left.


No tolerance for your hate crimes. Fuck you Nazi scum. Never again!


The Nazis did a lot more than disagree with you. Throwing that word around is offensive to those that escaped their horrific atrocities. If you're not aware of what they did, please do some research. It might stop you from throwing around that word like it means nothing!



Wow, the lemming bot has been triggered. How dare they expose the primary Democrat party platform items of promoting rape and murder children.


Ha, apparently exposing the horrors of child trafficking makes you a far right QAnon white supremacist or whatever. The fact that the left is so triggered by exposing the horrors of child trafficking is really telling.


"The left" "The right"
What simpletons you have become. Easy to steer, fortunately.
Enjoy your days for they are few.


I’m just calling your cult out for the radical and evil positions. Apparently they are for child trafficking


The typical Democrat lemming nothing response. Type something that says nothing. Reeeeeeee!

At least take the time to have lemminGPT craft a better answer next time.


Ironically hilarious from someone that just threw around the word "Nazi" ...

Well, the left is well know for their DoubleThink ...


Yeah! Right wing nut jobs like Jeremy Jahns!



It's a personal choice for each individual to make but some can separate the art from the artist. Textbook example for me is that I find what Roman Polanski did to a minor reprehensible & criminal, but that doesn't mean that China Town is not one of the best movies ever made.

I hate Jim Caviezel's choice to where his religion based politics on his sleeve, directly affecting my life and potentially dooming millions to unnecessary suffering (see what I'm talking about in the post below). But I think Jim is a good actor in the films I've seen before he started appearing in political ads. I'll still watch The Thin Red Line but I can't support any new film he's in even if he crushes the role.


I don't think Caviezel should die but should stfu and keep his religious politics to himself. People like him, and George W. Bush, are why millions still suffer from conditions that could potentially be cured due to stem cell research. Jim, you don't want a stem cell transplant, don't get one. Do not prevent others from living healthier lives.


The left wing are maggots.


Absolutely! And so are anti-Semites such as yourself. All I can do about larva as low as you is laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and scrape you off my shoes.


Another Democrat lemming who supports the preeminent Democrat party platform items of child rape and murder.

Add it to men can have babies and nuclear war is good.

As I’ve posted countless times, you will not be able to predict what these sheep will support in 5 years. It’s beyond imagination.


Dude, the whole US is already fucked with their monstrous "democrats" and batshit crazy "republicans"

You can't get out of that death spiral you're in with that rigid lack of proportional representation.

Two flavors of anti-socialist fascism isn't going to cut it.


I’ll agree that the two worst things in our country are Democrats and republicans. Tribalism is our downfall.

But you’re still an asshole with a hateful heart it seems. Btw, the flick was really good and entertaining despite the tough subject matter. You should watch it before trashing it


Hateful you say? Say the people who used nukes...


Democrat lemming points at right…

Gets owned realizing it’s defending the Democrat party platform of child rape and murder…

Tries to identify as a nonpartisan foreigner.

Ok lemming, run off and make a new screename doggie.


I do appreciate that you have to live there. Sorry.


Imagine wishing death on someone, and still thinking that you are one of the good guys.


Seems to be an American thing.


So you are an American. Figures.


Leftists repeatedly making it clear that being concerned about human trafficking is a right-wing thing is an incredible and very telling self-own.


Your attempts to polarize define you. Good luck with your country; it's not going well.


Let's check the title of your thread:

"Right wing nut jobs went to see this film. Smart people just went out and skipped the movies."

What is that you were saying about polarization?


I wrote:

Your attempts to polarize define you. Good luck with your country; it's not going well.


Yes, you wrote that and provided an astonishing example of a lack of self-awareness. Or perhaps you're just trolling.


Dude, read your fucking OP ... it's the epitome of polarization.

Alzheimer? Dementia???

Biden, is that you????


You poor thing. Eat more turmeric!


Yeah, I need better immunity ... to idiots ...


Right now in some parents basement, a Democrat pedophile lemming makes a new moviechat screename.
