We are on Aniara

I think that's the theme of the movie; that Earth is like a giant ship floating in space, like the Aniara. They were trying to allude to the futility of life on that doomed ship, might as well be like life on Earth, Mars or any planet. Id est if there's no continuity while if you have children and they have children and you have food and water, there can be meaning. If they could have kids and kept the algae farms going, they could have survived or some of them like by jettisoning escape pods back to Earth or Mars even if it would also take years. That's what's important, the hope for future generations. I'm gonna go pet my dogs, write my wife and hug my kids when they get home.


No, the Earth is not like a giant ship. The theme of this film is to emphasize that the natural environment is indispensable for humanity.


That element was there also. But there was even a line, I don't remember who said it, maybe the captain, "We've made ourselves a little planet here."


They thought they had everything they need. But they were wrong, and it didn't end well.


Yeah the Earth is like a giant ship. This concept isn't new. Buckminster Fuller talked about this.


Fuller was an architect. Let's say he builds a house and moves in. Then he notices that all his plants and pets, even bugs, are dying rapidly for whatever reason. Should he worry about the collapse of the house or the threat to the living environment?

We don't need a captain to guide the earth around the sun. The "Earthship" metaphor is about our responsibility to save the earth. But 4.5 billion years old Earth isn't in danger, we are. "Saving the Planet" means saving the natual conditions and environment on which every living thing on earth depends. This movie is right about that.
