It is nothing like the old show outside of the character names and relationships (plus magic). It's much darker. There's satanism (which is where their magic comes from). There's cannibalism, death, murder, gore, etc.
There is some feminist stuff in there, but it's really not a huge part of it. They aren't beating you over the head with it or trying to make you feel bad because you're a man. It's mostly teenage girls talking about "girl power" and "fighting the man", but that's in fairly small doses. For example the high school jock d bags harass and attack the lesbian (?) girl who looks like a boy. So the girls (Sabrina and friends) create an all girl group to help protect each other. Pretty typical high school story lines. Some of the dialogue does consist of females talking about how bad and barbaric men are, but again it's not something that happens every ten minutes or anything.
If you're interested in shows that deal with fantasy and magic I say check it out. And if you like that stuff with a little bit of horror mixed in than definitely check it out. It's not "OMG!" great, but it's a fun show in my opinion.