(SPOILER) This Movie was odd because it had no real plot and was probably written by a 12 year old.
2 best friends own a semi successful make up line.
Selma steals their idea, the friends try to get it back.
A lot of unfunny, things happen.
God Bless Twitter with their positive review of the film.
This is not a great girls night out movie.
This is a great girls in movie to watch on the DVD and get white girl wasted as you have it in the background.
This movie would have served better if it starred teenagers.
It was just so basic. it reminded me of Little.
Not awful, just nothing going on.
Also, I don't know about you, but I don't just glance over and sign a contract in regards to my business and then become surprised when there was some sort of stipulation that my new partner can take my company away. I let my attorney read the fine print.
Sometimes Hollywood needs to really think.
Is this going to make our money back?
This cost $29 million to make.