I liked it

Went to see it tonight. I love dogs and Alaska, so a wining combination for me.


What about it being a cgi dog?
Didn't notice or didn't care?


I knew about that going in. CGI made it possible for dogs and other animals to do things they wouldn't have been able to do as real animals. There were times when I actually forgot they were CGI and then there were times when it was obvious.
I don't think the CGI took anything away from the story they were telling.


I did,too!


I also really liked it. I agree at times the CGI was bad but it's not going to make me not like the movie over all. I watched The Invisible Man and then this back to back. A pretty good movie night.


Yeah to my own surprise I really liked it. I didn't like the trailer and i thought the cgi dog was a mistake but it didn't bother me at all now that I finally watched the movie. It was a wonderful adventure and Ford was great.


I liked the book and was looking forward to this. I hope you're right and the critics are wrong.


It was no masterpiece, but I liked its message and tone.

Buck was too fake, every other dog looked better and more realistic.
