MovieChat Forums > The Wheel of Time (2021) Discussion > What's with all the people using British...

What's with all the people using British accents?

Is there some idiot behind the show that thinks any series set in a time of swords and sorcery has to use British accents? It isn't as if every actor in show had the same British accents so they just went with it.


Which accent would you prefer, American deep South ? Hi y'all !!!


How about the actor's just speak with their own normal voices. If you wandered through a small country like the UK you would find a lot of different accents... just like you find a lot of different ones in the US... so why are we supposed to accept that in this fictional land where people are less able to travel from one place to another that the accents would magically all be homogenized? The reality is if you have a place where people travel less the accents should be more varied not less.


Good point ! And following on from that they should also be speaking in different languages which would be more authentic. Never mind we couldn't understand what they were saying.


Subtitles would work... unless you're one of the idiots like Spielberg that somehow thinks subtitles are racist


Yes subtitles would be great ! Then we could embrace more diversity and employ some mute and speech challenged actors as well ! And what about retards !?


In most cultures pre-industrial revolution you wouldn't have retards doing much, and in some cultures their parents would have eliminated them from the gene pool with no one giving a shit. Reality is a retard didn't fair very well and still doesn't fair very well to day except in the US and a few other developed countries. When people have to labor hard just to survive a retard with limited value but a high cost of upkeep isn't going to be given a lot of worth by the family that would need to feed the tard.

And you would not be able to have all that much diversity in languages as in a world where people were not traveling much because they were confined by foot and horseback, and where the educational system appears to be lacking... how is the person speaking a complete different language going to communicate with the person they meet on the road?


That's tardist !


It's reality.


Well, given that the action happens thousands of years in the future maybe it was past the next, global British empire that lasted 1000 years ...


I like that. A little imagination can go a long way to explain things that may seem incongruous.


You must have missed the part where they state that this all took place 3000 years in the past.


3000 years in the past was the first confrontation with the Dark One which is to us in the future.

And you can still see ruins of advanced technology (some concrete bridge in ruins) at some point.

Is it Earth in the future (after magic was discovered) or another world resembling pretty much Earth? I have no idea, but it is in the "future", not the "past".

Plenty or references to our modern world as happening in their past.


I'm not going to go by some nerdy book version, the version they have on TV sells it as happening in the past. If the show runners changed it from the nerd version, well frankly it makes more sense than the nerd version.


"the version they have on TV sells it as happening in the past."

Again, NO. They clearly show on screen vestiges of an advanced technology civilization, that was supposed to be BEFORE the previous Dragon and everything was lost in the war with the Dark One.

As I was saying: there was a scene with a huge concrete bridge (actually just the pilons) covered with vegetation, a clear sign of a previous, more advanced, civilization.

And another one with sky-scrappers, same - in ruins and covered with vegetation - in ep 1.

Here you can clearly see the skyscrappers:

The miners in ep 3 were weighing out machined pieces of iron from out of the hill they were mining, it wasn't a mine, it was a scrapyard

"the version they have on TV sells it as happening in the past." - can you point out when and how they sell it as happening in the past? Because to me it's clear that it's happening in the future, and it's past a period of greater civilization destroyed by the dark one 3000 years prior to the events, as stated several times in the show.


What sort of accent do short people have here? Probs Asian, huh?


It's a bit odd, yeah. I mean, I don't mind it. I think it would make more sense if people from different areas of the Wheel of Time world had different accents than each other, but maybe not all the actors could pull that off and it was just easier to have everyone have a British accent. But it does sorta stand out, doesn't it?


Have you ever watched one of those EU combined productions where they have actors from various European countries all speaking English with their different accents ? It's not good.


That's why we need Esperanto to become the official language of the whole world! William Shatner shall lead us!


They also give English speaking ancient Romans British accents too lol


Because British accented English is the standard accent for English and this show is targeting all English speakers. After all, that’s where the language originated from - England.


But surely you understand that England has a vary wide variety of accents. You would expect some variety in the ones in the show but they all appear to be trying to use the same one.


Maybe they are all supposed to live in the same region so they should all use the same language/accent.

But somehow that didn't translate to skin color ...


I seem to remember reading that surveys found that most people preferred English accents for these Fantasy historical type shows. For Americans it would make sense in that it lends the show an otherness that is useful for giving the show an air of otherworldliness and/or oldliness.
