Nazi Porn.

If you are making up perverted tortures that didn't happen just for the point of creating a reaction, that's porn.

This also kinda gives fuel to holocaust deniers.

The chess game thing was ridiculous. They are naked, slashing each other's throats, etc. Hey how about we don't participate in that and just get shot, what do you say guys...guys?

Weird show and not entertaining.


As a Jewish person, I don't share your outlook on this at all.

As I said previously, stop watching if you find it so objectionable.


I don't care what your opinion is.

The show isn't worth watching and isn't hard to watch.

It reminds me of something written by a person who really hates jews, but is trying to pander to jewish Hollywood at the same time.

It reminds me of how Tarantino says "nigger" all the time in films because he thinks that's the way black people talk and wants to seem cool.


And why should anyone care about YOUR opinion? Who is to say what's worth watching and what isn't?

What are you hoping to achieve with this stream of posts, really? Are you actually trying to dissuade people from watching? Find something better to do with your time.


My opinions are interesting and well thought out.

Yours are "I disagree" which isn't an opinion or interesting.


My opinions are interesting and well thought out.

Now, THAT is indeed interesting. πŸ˜„



"i dont care what your opinion is" lmao you made so many people stop caring about your pathetic post right about here.


I don't care what your opinion is.


Oh just like those movies in the 70s?


Its a cut throat fuckin show.


Are you for real? Looking at your posts on this board makes me wonder if you are a troll or simply a mentally challenged individual?



I have no problem with you not liking the show. I couldn't give two shits about that. But you seem to not even realize that you are promoting Nazi's philosophy..


I doubt you even know what that is.


I think he is both.


Well, I guess that some trolls don't think at all what they are saying and only want to trigger people/piss them off.

I can agree that in his case, it might be both...


"The chess game thing was ridiculous. They are naked, slashing each other's throats, etc. Hey how about we don't participate in that and just get shot, what do you say guys...guys?"

you do realise that with the chess game they had a chance to survive right? if the peace they were representing wasn't killed they would survive, so I guess that's why they played, for a chance at surviving.


Dude, in real life people aren't going to do that.

You'd have to be the biggest bunch of cowards ever.


What makes you so sure?


Because there have been PLENTY of real life situations where people are getting killed and they didn't stand for it, tried to run, etc.


And what if you couldn't afford that sort of pointless bravery? Like maybe if you had little kids?


All of those people didn't have little kids. All of those people are not going to stand there slashing each other's throats.

Humans don't work like that.

It was Nazi Porn violence, and that's it.


Oh, honey, you are hardly in any position to pontificate on how humans work.


What is your basis for saying that nonsense?

It sounds like some kind of movie line a tranny would give.


Now, THAT is truly funny, to see the resident troll refer to something as "nonsense". πŸ˜„


When someone can't argue due to their stupidity they call the smart person a troll.

You are defending something that was immediately called out in the media so you are the troll here.


I try to subscribe to the adage "if you are arguing with an idiot, so is s/he", so I'll stop wasting my time now.


Clearly I don't subscribe to that philosophy, lol.

Okay, you can go back to imagining jews getting tortured now.


Yes, they made it into a twisted cartoon for commercial reasons. Just awful. I mean the tip off is a beginning scene where the Nazi kills everyone because he's recognized. But like if you recognized one would you scream "Call the Police!" in front of him? Is that what the guy who recognized Eichmann did? Luckily not; and they established an elaborate operation that captured him. I made it to episode 3 when I said, that's enough, so poorly done that in spite of Pacino and the important subject it's unwatchable.


I can't imagine watching more than one episode, so hats off to you!

At first, I thought the Nazi BBQ scene was a dream it was so weirdly done. When you start making Nazi cartoons, things have gotten weird.

As I have said, it reminds me of something made by someone that hates jews. I can picture the writer growing up listening to endless jewish stuff and then he writes this because he thinks it will please the people he hates and it turns out all weird and passive-aggressive.
