The baxters and gina’s father deserve every bit of what is coming their way, it’s funny how gina thinks because she knows Jesus Christ exists that her actions are forgivable but what she fails to realize is God doesn’t work like that, you either serve Him or you serve His enemies and from the looks of things, the baxters serve Jesus Christ’s enemies… God’s wrath is serious, it’s a lot worse then what the baxters or even gina’s father could ever be!!!!!!!💯🙏🏽🙌🏽💪🏽💯 I know this is just a show but there are ppl like this in real life and it should be known that for every action taken within life has a reaction that follows whether it’s a positive or negative action… Also let it be known that God’s wrath and His punishment is much greater then what any human could ever do!!!!!!!💯🙏🏽🙌🏽💪🏽💯