Was that firemans wife retarded?
She just blatantly ignored the doctor anytime she was told something, right off the bat the doctor told her not to stay longer than 30 minutes and don't touch him, what did she do? ran right in there 2 seconds after that and hugged him and stayed way past 30 minutes, and even kissed his freaking skin multiple times.
Then when the dude is in real bad shape, skin deteriorating and decomposing, the doctor told her she can stay with him but not go inside the plastic, whats she do? goes directly inside the plastic....and to top all this shit off shes fucking pregnant, then grabs his fucking hand, i just wanted to jump in the screen and slap this stupid bitch.
Like she didn't even debate it over in her head, she would just directly ignore the doctors orders and go and touch him right after she was told not to. Its a good thing there wasn't acid in a jar in there and was told not to drink it cause it will kill her cause this stupid bitch would likely go and drink it.