Makes no sense

So the KKK members wanted to be all secretive and under the radar ("Never say the word "Klan"! Call it "The Organization"") yet they placed an ad in the newspaper with KU KLUX KLAN in big bold letters recruiting new members? Yea that makes sense.

And why waste the manpower and vastly overcomplicate things so much by having a black cop deal with the KKK over the phone and then having a white cop impersonate him in person? It would've been so much easier for the white cop to simply pick up the phone, call that same number in the newspaper and make his own fresh contact with the KKK! VOILA! But no.


It was odd that they didn't just have Philip take over the phone calls, too. I haven't read the book. Is that what happens in the book? Is that true to life? Maybe it's just one of those things that happens and it doesn't make sense, but real life isn't always logical like that.
