Only 1 person in this series is obviously innocent
Wesley - the guy who was falsely accused of setting his girlfriend on fire in the third episode is obviously innocent, the others are clearly guilty. However, I do have doubts about the Washington 8th and H one because of the nearby serial rapist/killer, but I assume there must have been plenty of evidence that there was more than 1 assailant that Netflix didn't show which would incriminate the group and exculpate the rapist.
From most guilty to least:
1. Sebastian and Atif - obviously guilty.
2. Karen Boes - Fire began outside her sleeping daughter's bedroom door, she had motive after saying 'she hated her daughter', she had opportunity unlike her husband who was at work, correctly 'guessed' where the gas can was, conveniently left 5 minutes before the blaze was seen by neighbour, the daughter suicide theory was nonsense and there were no other suspects plus no sign of a break-in.
3. Buddy Woodall - All evidence points to him being guilty of the crime (whether he knew it was a murder or robbery is debatable), no alibis, at the store at the time of the call, seemingly sane and sober yet still confessed to being present.
4. DeLisle - no alibis to disprove the witness who claimed he was there the previous 2 nights planning the murder, changed his story about why the car wouldn't brake, didn't swerve to avoid going into the lake, didn't know that a malfunctioning car could easily be stopped by removing keys despite being a mechanic, showed zero emotion afterwards