MovieChat Forums > You (2018) Discussion > Why would you randomly adapt a persona

Why would you randomly adapt a persona

Look the twist was a good one that I didn't see coming, but it made no sense that he got the persona of someone political and just took that person as a killer in his head. It would have been better if it was just another version of himself talking in his head.


Why would you put a spoiler in your topic and post, while not even adding a spoiler warning for what was a very good twist?Kind of a Dick move there!


why would you come to a forum BEFORE you have finished the show off?? that is like going to a movie forum before you actually watch the movie and expecting no spoilers in the titles at all and reading about the movie.

It is simple go to tv or movie forums AFTER you have watched the damm thing or it is your own fault to be spoilered


He is correct. You should never include a spoiler in your title.


I see both sides here. Yes maybe not put it in the title but I've learned the hard way years ago not to read a discussion about a show I haven't finished watching.


The season just came out, remove the spoiler from your title and include a spoiler warning.


Hashtag life of poverty, hashtag a single mom. They both share a similar past. Also, the book where Nadia finds the key to the cage where Marianne is held is Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, a book about a man with split personality.
