I’m 4 episodes into the new season…
of this show, which I’ve always thought was decent and entertaining. The show is about a murdering, stalking psychopath, and now his new equally murder happy wife, who are raising an infant child in between the chaos of killing innocent people. I think according to the writers we’re supposed to somehow feel sympathy for these pieces of garbage, and so far these murderers and their acquaintances of crappy suburban snobs have already felt the need to lecture the viewer about “missing white woman syndrome”, and the horrors of being unvaccinated. No, really.
You can’t make this shit up. 🤣 Kill your neighbors at the drop of a dime and we’ll root you on, and thank you for teaching us about the real problem, which isn’t murder and stalking, but the absolute horrors of caring about missing persons regardless of their skin color, and people who have not had a vaccination.
I’m vaccinated by the way. Can’t wait for the next lecture from this season! Let’s do abortion or religion next! Haha.