The modern day pirates in aquaman 2 were white, which is hilarious too..
The reason you get this stuff is because, according to leftists, white men have dominated films for too long, intentionally denying roles to minorities and relegating women to "refrigerators" (whatever the fuck that is). To rectify this, they are trying to reduce white male parts, making them play the bad guys more often, or just have them play wusses. This is a kind of 'revenge' so that when we complain they have that smug "how do you like it?".
The problem is, someone forgot to tell them that white men have dominated film because they're the ones that have always made them. From Star Wars and Ghostbusters to all that Marvel, DC shit. They get angry that white men have the audacity to create all these great films and not include them in it. They're like fucking parasites.