MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > Gary Glitter Convicted Pedophile

Gary Glitter Convicted Pedophile

Biggest and only issue I had with the film. not even the NFL use his song anymore. Why would they use this? it was so misplaced too could have used a 100 other tracks


I bet you didn't think it was misplaced until today's story came out telling you you should be offended.


They don;t have a thought in their heads....the NPC meme is the best ever.


Umm no I love the movie I ignore all the media BS. it's blow out, we have John Wick who kills 100 guys with gun porn over a dog. yet the Joker kills a few arseholes in self defense who you don't give a shit about and the media is all over it because it's 'mainstream'

Just that the song really shouldn't be played on radio or movies anymore same with Rolf Harris music


Amen! Once the PC Police pounce, most people scatter.



Why shouldn't we use the works of a man because that man committed a crime? As a society, we can expect this man to serve his sentence according to the laws, as any other citizen would do. And that should be it.

If it were discovered that Mozart was a pedophile, would you stop listening to his music?
If it were discovered that the man who discovered vaccines was a pedophile, would you stop vaccinating?
If it were discovered that the surgeon that can save your life was a pedophile, would you decide to cancel the surgery and die?
If it were discovered that the architect that designed your house was a pedophile, would you agree with your house being torn down?


oh you wanna play the 'what if' game.. what if Gary Glitter molested your daughter or someone you care about in your family would you still say 'who cares I am fine with his music in movies it's good'


Of course I wouldn't. But then I wouldn't be the right person to be the one that makes the choice. That's why judges that have been personally affected can't judge a case.


Excellent reply, fyi.


It's actually not an excellent reply, and kuku seems to be an apologist and defending pedophiles. There is no rehabilitation for child molesters and ALL should be chemically castrated as well as serve their time.


Slow down internet hero, his reply WAS excellent. In no way could a reasonable person consider those words to be a defense of pedophiles. Save you're indignation for someone else.


No, it's not an excellent reply. He played the "what if" game and lost.


No he didn't, it was an excellent reply. Thanks cupcake.


Sounds like you're getting your wittle fweewings hurt. That's just great to know I'm renting space in your head for free.

IF YOU REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE, you are fully admitting and understanding that 1) it was NOT an excellent reply, 2) you yourself are a pedophile, most likely touching your kids because it's the easiest, and 3) you've been bested by a stranger on the internet. It doesn't matter what you say, because any reply you make will be admittance of the above :-) Tootle-oo ChiMo


Awwwe, aren't you clever for a 12 year old. You have just revealed yourself to be the weak ass troll I assumed you to be. Do me a favor and shout upstairs to your mom from your basement bedroom and let her know I'll be by to bang her today, just like every other Thursday, but I want to get paid upfront this visit, and
no fucking food stamps this time. And if your sister's there, I'll blast her too. And no, I don't give a shit how old she is,as long as she's sprung her first pube! If they can bleed they can breed. Tell you what, since you seem pretty pathetic and obviously need a win in life, I'll let you watch.


LOL so you admit you touch kids... man leave your children alone! Just because you were molested as a child doesn’t mean you should continue the cycle. You really should just kill yourself, as you provide no value to anyone.


But it was an excelent reply.


Indeed it was.


I agree. We can’t whitewash history because somebody who contributed something to pop culture turned out to be a pedophile. Donate to anti-pedophilia causes if it outrages you. But let’s not pretend that song didn’t exist and wasn’t a hit.


Good point.



Could be worse Disney has hired Pedophile directors to work with kids and then try to cover it up


I recognised the song after a moment or two and immediately wondered about it. I think it worked as a bit of cinema but the association with Gary Glitter would have ruled it out for me.


STFU snowflake. its a great song. separate man from the art.





Why? To create a FAKE MEDIA BUZZ!!

G Glitter sold all rights to this song, he will not profit a dime.

It is well known that he is a convicted pedohile serving more than a decade in prison.

By placing this song on the film it does two things 1) Show you how irreverent the film is and 2) It gets people taking about the movie in chat rooms like this and gets The Joker in the news media and print by having a little controversy.

That is just free advertising!

I never thought I would say this in a chatroom but 15 days without the correct answer? What happened to the cynics?


America has slave owners on their printed money, think we have morals where we draw line at pedos?


98% of people don't know, and 97% of people don't care.

The movie is what it is.
In that context, who cares what the participants did 40 years ago?

In a legal and personal sense, sure... I don't watch a m movie caring about outside issues... its entertainment, ie, an escape from outside things.
